I have sooo many pictures! They are now getting supervised run of their room and they are a ruckus and a half!! How do people not get attached?!
Awww …! Sweeeet! Thank you!
Goodbye is the goal!
But boy is it hard sometimes.
Thank you! They are darling and beautiful!
They’re so cute!
The tuxie with the low white has crazy whiskers!
I’d have a hard time saying goodbye.
What sweet little faces!
Oh we totally get attached… this is how I have four 18 year old cats and two 19 year old cats… Kids were young, named them, little babies why not keep them we live on a bit of a farm, what harm… My KIDS are full grown and gone across the globe but these cats are still here! lol They are part of the family and I have no regrets. Kitties are too easy to end up with! I love all of yours OP
Oh so sweet!! And so cute!!
You totally get attached. Absolutely and completely. But you let them go to what is hopefully a very good home and to be spoiled rotten.
They are all precious
So adorable! A few of them have some really big paws.
How do we not get attached? Are you crazy? That’s how I have 14!
That tabby is ADORBS!
I’m liking the mostly black one too. Looks like he/she is going to have long fur. It’s a good thing I live far away!
Those are prizewinning Key-OOT!!!
The tabbies have the sweetest faces & Such! big eyes & feet!!
or do I…
You do need a kitten, you do need a kitten.
What I do need is a barncat.
I’ve gotten along since 2015 without.
But the mice & voles are getting pretty bold
Of course you do!
Send sweetfaced tabby
As soon as she is old enough
Here’s her predecessor, Indy - 8# of Verminator & sole Line of Defense for my barn for 10yrs:
Sadly lost to ?stroke? & never replaced
Then you need two. I’m sure there’s a law that you can’t have just one barn cat.
I’m sure you’re right. I believe it may be found in Code of Equisprudence
§3.9 ¶4 note 1.30, with a reference in Sir Oliver v Crop-Dockery (1850) EC 442
Lovely kitty. I am sorry for your loss. She looks a sweetheart.
Those are some cute kittys!
I love that tubby tabby muchly.