Do I go back for another x-ray?

Prepare for it to be months before it is back to normal. I broke my cuboid bone in spring 2016 plus had some fun nerve and soft tissue damage that took for-freaking-ever to heal. I was in a boot for 4 and a half months, in PT for 3 more after that and I still got the fun electric shock feeling out of the blue until probably mid-2018. It took until about a year out until I was comfortable in any shoe that was tighter across the top of my foot. I actually buy a lot of my tall boots a half size or so up these days and add my own insoles because of it. The spot of impact (I had a giant defensive lineman size guy step/fall on me) was discolored for over a year. I also had to find irons that donā€™t bother it to this day. The wider treads and an angle make it far happier. Between this one and my broken back (spring 2018), Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ve collected all my major injuries.

My foot was crushed a year ago and it still hurts to touch. Ironically riding is the least offensive thing that I do. Initial xray said broken on two places, an xray in march said never broken, crushed. Foot doc in March said two years to fully heal

Ugh. That sucks! Now that I can wear my riding boots, riding is the thing that hurts least for me too. Physio and desensitizing the areas with nerve damage have made a huge difference. Iā€™m mostly back to normal day to day activities, except never in cute shoes. Certain things are a hard and fast no - tried to balance up on my feet to do a plank the other day and nearly threw up! And once in a while I do something to remind me itā€™s not as good as I think it is. But itā€™s good enough.

Iā€™m still unable to bear weight on my foot and itā€™s been 9 weeks. The fracture is healed. The bone contusions and soft tissue damage is not.

thisā€¦for some reason my fractures donā€™t show up on X-rays until they start to healā€¦I think I am a vampire or something. I have many broken toes and to be honest there is not much you can do. I cut the end of a boot off so I could still ride with the bad one I had a few years ago.