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Does anyone do Liberty Training?

I firmly believe we have to come up with creative ways to suit our deteriorating bodies. I went from riding English to riding Western to driving my own ponies to taking an occasional driving lesson with a mini, all due to deterioration. I’m just happy to still be able to do stuff with horses.

Although I must say I was disappointed to hear from our current trainer that her place is too icy after yesterday’s snow for M_al and I to have our lesson tomorrow. I keep telling myself it is winter. I got spoiled living in the South for five years and not worrying about snow impacting anything I wanted to do. We haven’t had that much snow this winter, and we’re supposed to be entering a period of 50s to 60s for highs. It’s definitely very different here versus when I lived in Colorado before. As much as global warming is very scary, I am grateful that it is allowing me to do more in the winter.
