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Does Your Horse Do Anything That Embarrasses/Frustrates You in the Show Ring, but Not At Home?

Its in the plans. Paid warm up sounds like a great idea…

I hope it helps! Horses are so smart! They can feel our tension and worry and we feed even more into them.
I train horses for a living and I still occasionally have to remind myself to release any and all tension in my body when I feel tension in my horses.

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I had spent an entire summer teaching my horse to drink from streams…so that when we went out foxhunting he would stay hydrated. Well we are at an event going XC and here we are galloping along, we gallop into the water. Then he stops dead in his tracks…tries to drink. This is not running moving water like a stream…its a traditional water complex and gross water. I am kicking and kicking like dude come on! He never steps back or sideways (and it was also an unrecognized horse trial like 15 years ago) so we didnt get a refusal but oy I was so frustrated.


One of my older horses used to fart over ever.single.jump. It was embarrassing, but he was a nice jumper. His JC name had the word “Explosive” in it, so I guess it fit!!


My first horse was an ex-broodmare, who had “visit the stallion” on her mind every time she got onto the trailer and would go into insta-heat. By the time we were in the show ring, she was squirting and swishing her tail about a mile a minute. Now that I think of that, that was probably pretty repulsive to the other horses and riders in our flat classes ROFL.

She rarely went into heat at home, even with our geldings.