In case anyone is still following our saga… today was our 10 month scope. While the pace of progress is glacial, we’re definitely moving in the right direction!
2/3 of the ulcerated area is now scabbing over with little bits of healthy pink mucosa. The remaining third is still very vascular, but a bit less angry than last time.
We’re going to treat for 3 more months before we scope again. We’re dropping the Gastrogard to 1/4 tube per day, since it seems to be of least use. Sticking with 3x Ranitidine. Upping the Relyne GI to 2x/day. Keeping the Aloe Vera Gel at 2x/day. Continuing to feed 10 Tums Ultra before riding or shipping.
Thankfully his only symptom remains occasional teeth grinding. He’s a happy camper, loves to eat, and is training incredibly well He’ll do his first CDI at Small Tour this summer, and hopefully his first I-2.