Dujardin Whistleblower News

Gun’s owner was distraught…

Why did she let it go on and on and on???

That’s just heartbreaking. Agree, that the horse is a saint for not launching her.
God bless him.


I just have one more thing to say and then I’ll shut up. It irks TF out of me to have anyone who doesn’t know a horse well to name call it, particularly my own. I can call my own horse a nitwit. I will allow my trainer who has known him for nearly five years to call him a nitwit, a chicken, a pain in the butt, a hot mess (sometimes quite literally). But I think it is entirely inappropriate for a “professional” who has no standing relationship with a horse/owner to name call it like “stupid horse.”

My horse has had his fair share of bad days (don’t we all lol), but none of the pros who have been on him during those times ever said a bad word about him in front of me or the trainer. They may question what ghosts he saw or wonder aloud what’s going on in his brain that day, but they never name call him.

Anywho I’m sure that she said it not fully thinking and probably flustered about the broken panels, but like there were many points she could have stopped and turned the dial down and didn’t. And that ending has just continued to rub me the wrong way.


Ummmm, how about a plagiarised seminar?



To me it looks like she has a nearly empty tool box, that contains kicking, a whip, spurs and not much else.


In pre internet days they often focused on one wealthy follower. Not sure which scenario is worse.

And growling, don’t forget growling! :roll_eyes:

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