Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Proven mare…same mare with the 2022 reserve champion kwpn foal of all keurings. But yes you are right…lets just go with what you said lol

If only. My lawyer attempted that but moderator would not. lol

I think the comment is referring to you


Bahaha really? LOL! Of course I knew that. I wasn’t the one that started this lovely thread about me. I’m just here to people watch and let haters hate lol

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I am surprised your attorney hasnt recommended you disengage. You certainly arent doing yourself any favors.


My lawyer is myself, I think :slight_smile:


I suspect you are correct.



To be crystal clear, the “braider” I referenced is the woman who is the victim of @Kasheare and her viciousness. These photos and text messages are doxxing her while all these internet strangers argue over her health and finances. It’s an outrage.

The “poster” is Kasheare. COTH has banned others for far less.

And while I’m in the scolding mood, @Scribbler, in the future, please let what happens on FB stay on FB. It’s a cesspool.


Not very smart then are you? You guys named my lawyer above lol

I posted nothing here doxxing anyone. That is on the people that did so. Turn your rage to them not me.

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@Warmblood1did, which is why I both flagged the post and asked the mods to remove it.

You need help, lady.


Why because someone came on here an attacked me like 7 months ago then continues to stalk me and post my every move on here? I’m pretty sure the people on here need help not me. But follow away! I don’t mind. :slight_smile:


I don’t think anyone is stalking considering everything on here is public, and everything posted on social media is also very public. People are simply following the spectacle that you are perpetuating.

I can’t speak for everyone else, but I find it fascinating that you continue to dig your hole deeper and deeper and deeper. I click on this thread because it is seriously just WILD. People watch soap operas on TV all the time and that is perfectly normal… this is kind of just a horsey version of that, but in written format.


So you were offered 50k and you took her off the market? LOL


Isn’t it weird that this poster says she only uses mares that have previously produced, but her only claim to fame when called out on her “unproven” mares is the foal that went reserve jumper foal at inspection?

And the dam of that foal has produced a veritable litter via ICSI in the past several years, but that’s the single foal of note? Despite using some really $$$ big name sires?

And despite claiming foals sell in utero, there are a lot on the ground being marketed heavily…even yearlings?

And that reserve jumper foal, despite everything, was apparently unsold last year, and offered in the “raffle” this April?

So much just doesn’t line up or make sense.


Now this is class.



What are the mare’s predicates? What is her competition record? What are her offspring’s competition records?

ETA: Meant to ask, is there a reason you are marketing this 50k foal’s dam as a Gelderlander in the sales ad? I don’t know her damline, but her sire line is primarily DHH with a small amount of Gelders blood. She is not full Gelders.


Well, I got a couple posts removed, so someone got their knickers in a bind. One of those posts had probably 50 “likes”. It can be removed, Kate, but everyone agrees with the sentiment.



That person has said this is who they are. It is not doxing. And there are other cases on this forum where once someone here says who they are, it has been allowed to be said by other posters.

You should be scolding me. I brought the topic over here.


Of ALL keurings? Interesting…that also doesn’t make a mare “proven” but your definition differs I suppose.

Noteworthy, yes, of course, but not yet proven.