Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Is ONE foal being raffled and the winner gets to choose? Or are multiple foals being raffled off? I could read it either way based on how the ad is written.


Looks like one foal of the winners choosing from a particular year, but it’s vague enough that she could just give you the choice of the least of them.


All things true but sometimes the mare really out produces herself or you have an older or injured mare who doesn’t move as well as she could (or a combination of both). Sometimes it can be quite misleading. Sometimes.

I also don’t know any breeders who have a business of selling foals that routinely invest 30k into getting the mare in foal. That type of business model would be disastrous. It’s one thing if breeders could justify the sales price for a foal for what it actually cost to breed but that just isn’t the case.

And on a separate note, all broodmares should be coveted and appreciated for reproducing whether that be live cover, AI, ICSI, etc. Just a simple ultrasound is not very fun for the mare. Carrying foals and getting into foal is a large undertaking for the mare and it’s one of the reasons I appreciate and have so much love and respect for broodmares. Blessed be the broodmares.


You think?

:joy: I call this mare a copy machine for her predictability. Lol.

Before anyone jumps on the style of movement, these are Arabian ranch/cow horses, not dressage horses!


I guess so. It’s horses, there is always a significant risk :joy: trust me, I know. I have one in the early years of his life. There are just different types or kinds of risks, was my point.


This reminds me of this old joke:

Jimmy Brightup bought a donkey from an old farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day. The next day, the farmer drove up and said, “Sorry, but I have some bad news. The donkey died.”

“Well, then, just give me my money back,” said Jimmy.

“Can’t do that,” replied the farmer. “I went and spent it already.”

“OK, then. Just unload the donkey.”

“What ya gonna do with him?”

“I’m going to raffle him off.”

“You can’t raffle off a dead donkey!”

“Sure I can. I just won’t tell anybody he’s dead.”

A month later the farmer met up with Jimmy and asked, “Whatever happened with that dead donkey?”

“I raffled him off. I sold five hundred tickets at two dollars apiece and made a profit of $900.”

“Didn’t anyone complain?” asked the farmer.

“Just the guy who won,” said Jimmy. “So I gave him his two dollars back.”


Especially not a good business model for anyone claiming to breed for the amateur market.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Having an amateur breeder “see” foals from a mare and liking them does not a “proven mare” make.

Having one weanling (of what appear to be many) do well at a Keuring does not a “proven mare” make.

Those beliefs are not founded in an educated breeder’s mind. Producing so many foals from this mare is a gamble. I hope the offspring of this experiment find suitable homes and are not left in a rented pasture.


As the braider that has been bashed by Kate for being an addict, I am utterly appalled that she is saying this but not surprised. I have well documented issues with my back having been diagnosed since 2008. I am under a Dr’s care and as such take prescription medication. Will happily take a drug test and pass any day of the week.
As far as the wrong horse getting braided, the OWNER of the correct horse GAVE me the wrong BARN and stall information.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to private message me.


Fortunately, @jvanrens posted the FB comment from the owner, who made that clear, which only makes the nasty comments disparaging your character even more dubious.

Most of us aren’t surprised at her behavior, either.

Take care and I hope you feel better and heal.


@haleybot, you don’t have to explain any of your personal medical information to anyone. It’s no one’s business but yours. Kate’s behavior is absolutely appalling and I’m really sorry you have had to experience her abuse. The only good thing to come of this is that people can see Kate for who she is. I wish you the best.


Wow, you have been caught up in the crazy of both LK and KS? That is some serious misfortune! Be well!


@haleybot, have no fear. Pretty much anyone who has read the Facebook posts or this thread are well aware of who the aggressor was in this is situation.

Having been the victim of one of Kate’s attacks myself - though on a much smaller scale, since she has never actually met me - I am extremely sympathetic to your situation. Keep your head up. Anyone paying even a little attention to all of this will have no trouble identifying the real victim.


@Moderator_1 can you please message me


Totally agree with this comment. Not being a hunter type, I hesitated to say this. I have spent more than one late pre-show night braiding for dressage shows. I think having the option of braiders is great but, in a pinch, owners should know how, and be prepared, to do it themselves. Honestly, some of the most fun I’ve ever had was being at the barn late braiding with my friends.



Please delete post 1435. I mean, what the hell? You’re perpetuating Kasheare’s viciousness.

@Moderator_1 @haleybot


Cute little guys. I wouldn’t think of paying what she’s asking. Well, I wouldn’t buy them at any price since they’re not my type of horse (TB girl). Plus, she’s not a seller I would do business with. Do DHH’s tend to have long ears?


Not particularly. I mean they fit the horse, after the foals grow into them. I’ve only met a few though but that is my observation.

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The level of quality in braiding that hunter braids require is VERY different than eventing or dressage and requires years of practice on hundreds, if not thousands, of manes. The vast majority of trainers would probably send a horse in unbraided over having garbage braids.