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Ear problems in Labrador

My mother’s golden Retriever always had ear infections. She was alergic to sulfur so many of the remedies didn’t work or made it worse. Turned out to be yeast infections. Changing her diet helped for awhile. But nothing took care of the problem.

IF she gets chronic ear infections, it’s the end of summer, she’s a Lab, :)…how often does she get in water?

Apoquel. Best thing ever for allergies which can lead to shaking of the head which leads to aural hematomas.

Would the fresh frozen foods found in the freezer in the pet food store have less allergens than the processed, preserved dry kibbles.

Apoquel keeps my dog happy, but I’d sooner fix the food if it is that. Kangaroo meat helped for the first three big bags, and then she became itchy again.
Maybe it’s seasonal.

My lab didn’t get diagnosed with it but my cousin’s dog did. His lab was having the same issue as well with having its ear flaps swell and causing an odour. It was self-caused by its constant itching which made the skin peel of a little and blood get clotted in underneath the ear flap. His dog didn’t have to go through any procedure as its vet recommended ear drops and certain pills to prevent infections.