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Easy Shoe opinions

I agree. I don’t understand the banning of hoof boots. If any questions about “stuff” being placed in the boot, they come off in about 10 seconds. With some of the shoeing packages out there…plenty being hidden under pads and a farrier has to be present to pull them off.

My mare is just plain a bitch to shoe. She does not tolerate nailing…I don’t know why. I gave up trying after a couple years as she got worse and worse to shoe. I don’t think glue-ons are going to last long on a sound horse in work, not to mention the $$. So, I boot. She has good feet. I don’t need boots at shows with good footing but my barn has crappy rocky footing so most of the year she gets worked in boots. I still don’t know why boots are not allowed. It makes no sense to me. Boots have evolved a lot in the last 15 years or so and as I said, very easy to remove if questions about any questionable item or substance placed in the boot.



Just wanted to chime in re: EasyShoes.
I’ve had 2 horses in the versa shoe and have nailed, glued, and cast them on.
It would be a hard sell to get me to go back to metal shoes. I think these flex with the hoof better and they definitely provide better dampening of concussion.
Sometimes they don’t get the best traction, especially on wet grass.
I get at least 1 re-set out of each pair of shoes, sometimes more.