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EHV at Thermal?

That’s really upsetting. My (semi-retired) horse has a compromised immune system & I’m just glad he lives at a private facility. I wonder if they’re going to cancel week 6 too at this rate.

I heard there were some concerns over a horse at MEC last weekend that had recently come home from Thermal, but I don’t know the firsthand details.

I know some people from the Thermal area left for places where shows have not been locked down yet. Because horses are being allowed to leave the Thermal area, I can see this continuing to spread. :cry:

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This morning’s COTH update said the horse with a fever at LAEC is improving today but test results have yet to come in, so fingers crossed!


How stressful for you, and infuriating that the “ribbon chasers” were just fine with continuing to show rather than going home and hunkering down for a while.


A week is a bit short for quarantine also
When my horse died from ehv1 the entire farm was quarantined for six weeks, with twice daily temp checks, logs kept, and weekly and random state vet visits.


I luckily have no experience with EHV1 (only strangles). I don’t understand why the state doesn’t have enforceable codes to make failure to follow quarantine rules punishable by STIFF civil penalties. If these selfish people have no conscience and no concern for the welfare of horses, we need to fine them until it hurts. Maybe this would discourage anyone else from doing the same thing.

Am I being too naive in thinking this would be possible?
So sorry for your loss @Angela_Freda


It does for the areas actually under quarantine. Only part of the showgrounds is under quarantine—presumably the index barns/tents and the areas to which sick horses have been moved. Other horses still at the facility aren’t under state quarantine and can leave without penalty and go wherever someone will take them.

The person who literally busted her horse out of LAEC a few years ago (a veterinarian) was heavily penalized and I think lost her license


Hmm. It sounds like the rules need to be expanded. But probably there would be no way of enforcement. People are going to do what they’re going to do at their home barns. It’s just so sad to think that there are “horse people” (I’m using the term loosely) out there who put their own wants before the welfare of horses, theirs and everyone else’s.


At Thermal, a number of cases have appeared outside the original barn under quarantine. So obviously the quarantine of the index barn failed.

This could be a disaster. I wonder if they will cancel shows for a month or six weeks until it’s under control.


Extremely sad update from West Palms re: LAEC:

“Unfortunately, we are sad to report that the second horse from yesterday has been put down. We are sending our condolences to the owners and trainer of this horse.

This horse exhibited no symptoms until late yesterday afternoon when it became neurological, and experienced such severe symptoms that it was euthanized. Lab results will take a couple days for conclusive answers on what happened.

Overnight, we were also made aware of a fourth horse that attended the show that had been at Desert International Horse Park inside the 7-day minimum.

All of this information has been shared with the CDFA and the USEF.

The first horse (elevated temperature) that tested negative for EHV seems to be doing well, and we are awaiting an update.”


Is it known if these horses (apparently now a total of 4) that came from Thermal to show at LAEC before the end of their 7-day quarantine, were all from the same trainer?


How devastating for everyone involved :frowning:

USEF better be fining or something!


I was under the impression it was 2 trainers who went from DIHP to LAEC but it’s not super clear if they work together or separately or how the 4th horse is related. The Chronicle piece from the 21st that discusses the original 3 horses refers to their ‘home barn’ in the singular but ‘both trainers’ in plural.

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Are these large show facilities in California? Are there any horses boarded at these places or just show grounds? I am not very familiar with either of them.

Yes, very large horse show facilities. Horses that are currently exposed were there for the horse show and boarded elsewhere typically, but circuits can last up to 10-12 weeks depending on the show. Some will ship in for 2 weeks, some stay for a few months. Depends on the trainer’s schedule for the barn and whether they’re chasing for points for Devon, Indoors, etc.

Very similar to WEC, HITS, and WEF in FL.


Thank you, and these are around a couple of hours away from each other?

Would people typically show at both or more one or the other?

Depends on trainer’s schedule, where they are based and where students want to show.
DIHC usually pulls in people from all over the NorthWest, Mountain Regions, and Southwest. Not as familiar with LAEC, but given that USEF has ridiculous mileage rules, that would potentially be the next closest A show for those that wanted to keep going and not have their schedule disrupted for 2-3 weeks (or potentially longer).

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LAEC also has a large boarding facility, doesn’t it?


DIHP runs a winter circuit, sort of the West Coast answer to WEC, HITS or WEF.

LAEC hosts shows and functions as a permanent boarding facility. Hundreds of horses live on the property and there’s more at adjacent smaller barns or in people’s backyards. Many of those horses use the LAEC facilities or shared public facilities.

Apparently the horse who was put down showed at LAEC and then returned home to Hansen Dam Horse Park, which is another big boarding/show facility outside LA with a couple hundred permanent boarders. And horses from my barn were at HDHP this weekend so… not feeling great!


We are thanking our lucky stars that we got “waitlisted” for stalls for Thermal this year, and decided not to attend and just haul in! Originally because we didn’t want to come all the way from Alberta to have to haul in everyday, plus then Omicron exploding……so we cancelled! Now this…… Phew!