Elbow tendon tear repair, nerve surgery?

@ IPEsq…I had similar pain from PRP into 2 hip tendons (glute min and glute med) and it was Regenexx PRP. I would rate it similar to surgical pain. She did PRP into the hip joint and that never hurt but those tendons….I was not expecting that level of pain. Thankfully, my doctor gave me a few Percocet. The only problem…I had to drive nearly 300 miles before I could take it. It was a good 3 weeks before I started heading in the less pain direction.

I recently had a percutaneous tenotomy on the same tendons (2 years since the PRP). The tenotomy was much less painful. I didn’t drive home (same 300 mile drive) until the next morning but Tylenol was fine for that.

I am hoping the tenotomy settles the tendon issue down before my hip replacement in January. The tendons are doing better. I actually feel like I have some glute muscles again. I am not expecting total resolution. Hoping the hip replacement finishes stabilizing the situation. Not doing the replacement for the tendon issue…the joint is shot. Just didn’t want to go through the hip replacement and have no relief from the lateral hip pain.

Simkie…I feel you. I have been broken more than not for the last 11 years. I get one thing fixed then the next goes bad. Still have to keep going though. The alternative isn’t good. Jingles for a good outcome.

@Kyrabee I’ve been thinking about you! I’m so sorry your tendon issue is back :sob: I have a doctor treating that here with shockwave with apparently FABULOUS results. She is yet to publish but was really so excited about it last time I saw her. If your tenotomy doesn’t do it for you, perhaps something to explore?

(That’s wild that your Regenexx guy didn’t dope you up! Mine prescribes valium & promethazine for the procedure, dilaudid for post. A driver is very necessary, lol.)

I can’t take Percocet (makes me so ill and that type of drug does nothing for pain for me…same with morphine or codeine). I was told no ice, no NSAIDs, and try Tylenol. Tylenol was a joke. After a couple days I begged my Dr. for Flexeril so I could sleep at least, and it did help a little with the nerve irritation.

No one warned me at all about it which was probably the worst part. Until the assistant came in to draw blood, and she was like, oh, boy you are going to hate the doctor for a few days. And then even though I did get numbed up with lidocaine, the doc asked, do you have to work this afternoon? Um, excuse me?! Thankfully I’d gotten some important electronic filings and typing out of the way before the appointment.

That’s how my first experience with PRP went, too. Physiatrist in MN, no warning, no pain meds. Both hips with table top PRP. Didn’t advise washing out nsaids and other things that impact platelets prior. Refused to rx anything for pain the next day when I called. It’s a wonder I ever tried it again. It sucked a lot.

Guy now advises of pain, requires washout, sends rx for procedure meds + pain meds prior to procedure. This is all he does, and he’s also done a lot of PRP and stem cell in his own body. He knows what it’s like.

I like lyrica a lot as a non narcotic pain option. If you haven’t gotten the chance to try it, it might be worth a shot next time you need something like that? (Gabapentin obviously very similar, but makes me super dizzy before getting to therapeutic levels. Don’t have that issue with lyrica.)

Yeah, they didn’t tell me to stop NSAIDs prior either. And I’d had a cold the week before and took some Advil for the congestion pain. At least now I am more informed if I ever think of doing something like this again! Maybe should have come here first :wink:. The one joint injection I’ve had (hip, corticosteroid) left me with a terrible migraine within the hour, so I’m hesitant to ever do steroids for anything either (not that it was an option for the current problem).

@Kyrabee do you have snapping/popping hip? I had that basically my whole life on the left side, and then in 2012ish my body basically decided I didn’t need my left glutes anymore, so I was overusing my lower back a lot (was racing bicycles at the time), and then I got a pinched nerve in the left thigh. Doc couldn’t figure it out but was like, well, your ROM in this hip sucks, so let’s try treating that (injection referenced above). Did not fix the nerve pain–found a chiro who helped with that and gave me some exercises that actually worked after a year of failed PT. But my snapping hip has never returned!

It is definitely a field that’s kind of all over the place, with so many orthos doing it on the side but not really bought in…and that definitely leads to a lot of meh work (in my experience!) I think eventually it’ll all sort out that regenerative medicine will be with specialists who are passionate about it and the surgeons who really don’t care (but offer it anyway) will let them have it since it’s really just so different. But it’ll be awhile, we’re still just so early in it with so much to learn.

I also loathe steroid injections and refuse them nearly always–I also usually get systemic effects that persist, and gawd I’m so over it. BUT my regenerative guy does them with very low dose dex and that’s okay for me. He’s really the only one I’ll let do steroid anymore because of that. I still avoid as much as possible, but the elbow was bad enough this summer that I was ready to beg anyone and accept anything. He got dex in the carpal tunnel, over the lateral epicondyle, under the ligament of struthers and then two weeks later in the joint itself. I felt loads better with no systemic effects. (Although I think one reason why things hurt so bad now is that it’s all wearing off and goddamn.)

Anyway, all to say that if you’re facing a steroid injection again in the future, you may have better luck with just a little dex rather than triamcinolone or depomedrol or whatever else. :slight_smile:

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@IPEsq…no snapping or popping. With all the damage (the two torn tendons, torn and calcified labrum and bone on bone w/spurs) no noises. Just really limited range of motion.

Simkie…I was looking at shock wave for my other tendon tear (origin of the hamstring on the right). It has been there for a long time (probably 10 years due to an overzealous PT) and never really bothered me much until this year when my sister and I were pushing a mattress on a bare floor…just pushing. Well I know about it now. I will get through the surgery first and check on that…maybe for both sides if you can safely use that with an artificial joint (I will have them on both sides).

I had sedation for the tenotomy…hence while I had to stay another night before driving home. But nothing for the PRP. Tylenol helped a little for the drive home. That no NSAIDs thing really sucks. I was counting the days until 3 months was up.

After my checkup following the PRP, I wasn’t really doing any better. Took 2 weeks for the awfulness of the PRP to subside and then I wasn’t left being not that different. My doctor suggested acupuncture. I did that a few times with e-stim, and that helped so much!! I also have a microcurrent unit that can be used with needles or pads (I don’t do the needles myself obviously), and that is also helping.

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