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Equestrian Communities - Pros and Cons?

My large equine community is a couple of years into going through the struggles of switching from developer control to community HOA management, and it is not a pretty process. Look for a community that has moved beyond its beginner novice HOA stage, and particularly one that has its financial situation already soundly established.

Many things that are taken for granted as long as the developer is paying for them,but then suddenly they become community farm owner responsibilities. Things like drainage, arena repair and daily maintenance, pool maintenance, manure disposal, road repair and resurfacing, clubhouse maintenance, employee hiring, firing, and assignment of tasks, taxes, maintaining trails, tractor and other equipment maintenance and repairs, and on and on. Infrastructure is expensive to build and keep up. In effect you are paying twice - once for your own farm’s internal maintenance, and also a share of maintenance for all the common areas and amenities whether you use them or not. Find a place with really solid financial footing to limit future dues increases and assessments.

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