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Equestrians with Safesport Sanctions & Criminal Investigations

if you have been “clean” for a minimum of 10 years you can petition to be removed from the registry.
It also very very rare to be on it for the 18/17 year old scenario unless there was a whole lot more to it. Many states also now have laws intended to keep "victims’ (sex workers, etc) off of the registries.


Thanks for that information.

That’s interesting. The case I’m aware of, the man is now in his 40’s and pays regular child support to the child he fathered when very young.

He is on the registry here locally. As I understand it, he has been diligent about doing whatever he is required to do for it.

Whatever happened that resulted in pregnancy, at that barely-legal age he started his life over by moving 4 states and 800+ miles from his place of origin, where the child-now-college-student and the girl-now-woman have lived all this time.

So there might be more to the story than just a mistake of passion, as he explains it.

Yes. Required to and actually do are an issue. Unfortunately, there are a lot of transients around here that are not compliant. Think way more per capita than Portland OR. They often get arrested for drugs, theft, assaults ect and later previous out of area warrants and history come to light.

It’s like catch and release fish here. It truly sucks. I donate to a fund to pay for bus tickets back to where their families/support system are. Wish more would take a ticket.

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Sex offenders are “ranked,” by “tier,” and I believe, level. They may not still be classifying the levels. I’d have to check - but a “tier 2 level 1 sex offender,” was perhaps caught watching porn, within 25 yards of a middle school. The watcher could be 17, but tried as an adult. The school itself would count as “the minor.”

FTR- and sort of a side story- I know of a man who had intercourse with his 13 yr old half sister- who gave consent (but obviously doesn’t matter due to age,) making it “statutory rape,” and in some states, incest, as well. Later in life, the young girl realized the impact this had on her young life & it devastated her. She filed charges against him just before the statute of limitations expired. A few years later, (8or 9) that same girl was an assistant photographer at a friend of mine’s wedding, whom she was also friends with. The story was told & the two girls somehow put it together that, the girl getting married that day has a sister who was about to get married also. Low & behold, the man the sister was about to marry- was the half brother of the assistant photographer & friend of the at the time, current bride.

The crazy part is, my friend told her sister all about the man she was getting ready to marry & even though she did find his name in the registry of sex offenders, (also a tier 2 but perhaps a higher level) SHE DID NOT CARE! I believe there is a term for that- much like “Stockholm Syndrome,” but I don’t know it. Well- they now have a DAUGHTER together & I can’t wrap my head around the fact - this is… OK with anyone??? Guess my point is, sex offenders will always have enablers. And, it seems to be the case that it’s their SPOUSES whom, (assuming they have all they info) are the worst of the enablers! Is this a “one off?” Or, has anyone else heard a similar story of a spouse knowing full well her husband’s (sex offense) transgressions- but not giving a hoot about it? Even defending him in some cases?

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@La-LaPopRider … as far as spouses defending their sex offending partners… yup! It is a very sad, but all too common dynamic.

One look at the current SafeSport list will reveal more than one case where those sort of dynamics are involved. And there is a notable name that has come off the SafeSport list, that we were discussing on the other thread last week or so, that definitely involves a spouse who seems to have looked the other way (if we are to believe the reporting that came out in the OC Register…).

Then of course, there is the case of two well known people in the world of show jumping… one of whom is now deceased. He was a NOTORIOUS predator, but his longtime girlfriend who is still living, still staunchly defends his memory. No one likes to talk about that dynamic, even on these threads, because she is a well known and well liked person in sport, and it’s all really messy and sad… but there is ABUNDANT EVIDENCE he was an absolute sociopathic child predator… and yet… she still regularly posts on social media about memories of her deceased ‘love.’ And she’s quite outspoken about her opposition to SafeSport…


Oh wow… I just saw the update to the Rich Fellers thread. Add him to the list of predators whose spouse seems to have tried to cover up for them.

Maggie is incredibly brave. Good for her for stepping, and I hope she receives messages of support from many in sport.