Eric Guillot Banned By NYRA TVG Stronach etc

This thread is not mostly innocent, it’s wholly innocent. No one (yet, maybe) is guilty of what you’re worried about.

Do you want us to just not talk about it at all?


It is confusing to me… how do people who do not know things learn about them with out admitting they do not know and asking. Asking is not minimizing anything. Admitting that you too did not know that is also showing support to those who were brave enough to say ‘I am clueless, help me’.
Not talking about stuff only sweeps it further under the rug.

No one here is saying anything close to ‘he was wronged’.


If you have seen the public conversations on social media, you may understand why I said what I did.

I’m reiterating: no one is saying awful things here. People on this forum are honestly just curious and want to do better.

But I think everyone needs to be sensitive to the fact that the curiosity can be used out of context.

There is basically an angry mob who thinks this is an example of how people cry racism at anything, free speech is dead, the punishment was unfair, yada yada yada. None of that is true. But in the quest for education, it would be easy to inadvertently give them credence. This is a public forum after all.

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I understand your concern. I have learned (as has the Jockey Club) that there are insulting colloquialisms that, unless one is from the area, are unknown to most people. I just wasn’t aware of that.

There is no doubt that this Guillot person is in the wrong and I’m sorry that he is being defended elsewhere. The only way our country will be rid of this scourge is for this behavior to have consequences, no matter how many social media whiners want our society to reflect the worst values of our nation’s past.


I think it’s worth the risk. I don’t following racing at all, but I saw the blip of a headline and thought wait, what? When time permitted I came to COTH and popped into this forum because I was sure a conversation would be in play and here it is. Here I learned here about the backstory via the link, and the wonder was replaced by contempt and rejection of him and his side of the story.

We have to have these conversations to have a broader understanding.

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I wouldn’t call Grape Soda a racial Slur so to speak. It’s a derogatory term. This comment is not made in defense of the trainer/owner AT ALL. He was in the wrong as soon as he made his disparaging comments online which linked the horse name to a racially charged insult. At that point; and only at that point, did the name get linked to racism and would be deemed derogatory

It would be comparative to naming a horse something like Watermelon or Pepsi. There is nothing wrong with naming your horse with name. But the minute you have admission that the reasoning for naming the horse such a name was for derogatory reasons; then it becomes wrong.

The line in the sand is drawn when the admission of derogatory intentions or racist intentions are made. Any other day of the week; Grape Soda, would be a fine name. We haven’t pulled Grape Soda from the store shelves because it represents racism (it does not).

Guillot was clearly in the wrong here and the actions against him are very justified. However; there is fear that these actions may be entering dangerous territory that all names could have secondary intentions and the waters will become muddy at that point and people will be labeled racist even though their desired names had absolutely no intention of doing so (Guillot is clearly not in this catergory). I think that may be one of the concerns of the masses here.


If that is really their reasoning (which I doubt) they should save their outrage until an innocent person is unfairly accused.
That was obviously not the case here. The racist intent was clear.

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did you not read my post? Did I not say that the moment he started making rash comments online regarding the name; the intent was obvious and clear. Prior to that point; calling the name Grape Soda a racist or derogatory name is merely an assumption. The line in the sand is drawn when there is admittance of the intent; which is what occurred here. Every other day of the week; Grape Soda is a fizzy purple drink that’s extra sweet that kids love to enjoy. We don’t stop making and selling and buying Grape Soda because its also used as a derogatory term. Same goes for Watermelon. Or Pepsi.


I can’t be the only one who keeps thinking of Radar on MASH with all this discussion of grape soda?
Maybe I am showing my age too much.

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She is not arguing with you, I don’t think.

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No, I wasn’t :roll_eyes: but I’m not surprised at the reaction.


Like you said, context matters. As a kid, after taking my horseback riding lesson, my parents treated my sister and I each to a soda. I always chose grape. Not that it matters, but my sister was an Orange Crush girl. Now I have to wonder what Orange Crush signifies? :wink:

This trainer is gross, but so long as we don’t call anyone by the name of a soda, I should hope we can safely consume our flavor of choice - health implications no withstanding.


I was also completely unaware of the connotation of that term. But I love, love, love the fact that the new owner of the horse changed his name to something so great, and also pledged some of his winnings to help the backside workers. Talk about making lemonade out of some sour lemons. Good job by him.


I know I had never heard that and would have never equated grape soda with any racial group. As a grape soda connoisseur myself I thought people of all colors and groups liked it. That guy sounds like a pig though and is certainly no loss to the industry.