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Esomeprazole (Nexium) for equine ulcers

If you’re using Nexium capsules with soaked feed, make sure to put them dry, on top, as you shouldn’t soak the capsules.

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That is the plan. To put in dry feed.

So grateful for all the information shared in this thread.

Mine got treated with a month’s course of Abprazole in February, and was doing great…then in April injured her eye, was on limited turnout and pain meds, etc. Took me two weeks of her being tense and spooky coming back into work to realize, duh, ulcers are back.

Largely thanks to this thread, and the links to actual peer-reviewed research provided, I’m trying Nexium with her starting today. Fingers crossed for a happier mare soon!


@IPEsq @Simkie

Can someone give me the dosage used in the case study for the higher dose Nexium treatment? I scrolled through the thread but was not able to find it. TIA!

I replied to your PM. It’s 0.5mg/kg.

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The highest dose used in the studies I know of was 2mg/kg.

Here’s a copy/paste from another thread the other day. Hopefully the links also copy over:

One looked at a 40mg and 80mg dose and found the same effectiveness
One looked at a 2mg/kg dose to compare to the omeprazole 4mg/kg dose
One looked at .5mg/kg dose to compare to 1mg/kg omeprazole, and found the same pH results
And one looked at .5 and 2mg/kg doses of omeprazole to compare the 2

that’s from this thread
Ulcery after every show? - Horse Care - Chronicle Forums (chronofhorse.com)

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Question: how long should I wait in between doses to switch from Nexium to using UG?

Historically my horse has always done really well on Nexium, but I took him to a show two weeks ago and he’s been on Nexium (three capsules) starting a few days before the show and continuing to present, and he’s just not eating well. He eats almost no hay in his stall during the day (out all night on grass), isn’t very interested in grain, and he’s losing interest in treats?!? He isn’t losing weight (yet) but just seems dull and kind of stressed/disconnected. He’s fine to ride, and he eats grass totally fine and is bright/goofy in turnout. He has days where he eats great and others where he just refuses, so it’s very hit or miss.

I was thinking maybe he needs UG/GG instead, but I didn’t want to mix meds too close together. I also tried a few days giving four capsules of Nexium and that seemed to help somewhat?

You don’t need to wait at all. Switch at the next dose.


The next day/next dose is fine.

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I have been doing 80mg but was going to ask a question. I have followed this thread off and on. Did we decide that if the horse popped a few of them open during chewing it was not an issue as it is buffered?

No. The RX Nexium is buffered. The OTC Nexium 24 Hour relies on the enteric capsule.

Well hell. That’s what we all use. How are we preventing the horse from chewing the capsule?

Most of them just don’t. But if you’re concerned, you can feed a buffer like Outlast with the Nexium.

Oh good idea!

I fed the tablets not the capsules.

How did you find tablets? I am using esomeprazole from costco.

The same risk exists with the tablets. Perhaps even greater, since they’re larger.

Are the tabs enteric coated also?

The tablets were tiny. They don’t seem to have much of a coating on them. The packaging just says “delayed release tablet”.

Yes, the tablets are enteric coated and the package insert states “swallow whole. Do not crush or chew.”

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