Correct, but I live in a remote area with limited options. Add in an extremely picky horse… with the safe choice, I have gotten him to half SC and half alfalfa pellets. That brings down the nsc of the total meal significantly. The only other feed he will eat is ultium gastric care, which I can no longer get unless I am willing to feed year-old feed. He will not eat alfalfa pellets with it either. The local options I’ve not tried include sweet feeds that are 45% nsc and all stock. Not willing to stoop that low. He won’t eat any hay pellets or beet pulp alone.
So im trying to use the safe choice to work him into eating more alfalfa pellets. It’s a slow process with him. He is just very sensitive. He can hear the toilet flush inside the house from 75 yards away. If I open the blinds in the house he looks up at the window. He is just a bit extra.