I’ve been included on course walks-in-progress with UL trainers before. I’ve offered to pay their fee and they said ‘nah’. Actually at virtually every horse trials that I ever attended on my own.
Some BNT’s generously sweep up any random who wants to join, during their major course-walk with students, that includes parents & others. I find it very helpful to hear how different experts approach a course.
A friend was first time at a major event, came trainer-less, was doing her course walk on her own. She was puzzling over the best ride strategy to a big down bank with a wonky approach when an Olympic rider came walking by, noticed her and asked if she had any questions. She explained her thinking and her (short) horse. He said ‘this is what you need to do’ and gave her specifics.
She felt good about what he said and decided to adopt that strategy. The next day in XC warm-up, the same rider noticed her, took a moment to stop his own horse, and say ‘do you feel ok about that one, any more questions?’ Nope, she was going to do as he suggested.
She says it was one of her best ever XC rides, using his tip.
This was also not a situation of potentially winning over a new student / client who doesn’t currently have a trainer. They were there from separate states that are 1k miles apart and he knew that.