Oh please. I’m in my early 40’s and have many 20 something year old friends irl who ride. And have two kids… one of whom is in middle school.
I’m hardly a millennial… but I have not yet hit the stage of life where I am hobbling around all grumpy calling people “whipper snappers.”
And for the record, every single one of my 20 something year old friends in real life who ride (some of whom compete very seriously) are profoundly upset over the loss of Plantation Field, and feel EN went way too far and anyone supporting it is a person with an activist agenda who doesn’t live and compete regularly in this area.
But hey - folks can label my posts the ramblings of a geriatric closet racist if you want :winkgrin:
And as for the back and forth between myself and a few other posters, and some particular twitter users, who have truly funny names… there were one or two jokes about their names and related snarky comments on this thread for sure. There are certainly some jokes about COTH forum posters on Twitter right now, calling us a bunch of “Karen’s” and plenty of related snark. I doubt either side is too upset over it. I’m pretty sure “pink haired nihilist“ and I actually are both laughing more than anything… Good for her. However, one particular twitter user is apparently busy attempting to publicly “out” COTH forum users, and tied me to someone who is not me… and I decided to crack a joke about that too (and make sure people know I am not Wanda… whoever she is).
Outing people like that on public social media is actually pretty hostile. Some of the people they outed were not even involved in the joking about the Twitter user names. I was though But they tied the wrong name to me.
And yes… some of the twitter users involved in this little sidebar nonsense do seem to have nose piercings. Which is fine. Good for them. But since they are calling everyone old racists… I think joking about their nose rings is fair game. :yes: