Update again! We ended up injecting the SI about a month ago. My vet was really happy with his feet now. I’ve seen small differences for sure. He’s more likely to stand square. He always wanted to stand with his left hind underneath him, for months. It was like he never wanted to stand evenly behind even if you tried to square him up. Now he will square up.
He also seems more at ease for getting his hind feet picked. He’s never been naughty but he was always weird about holding his left hind for very long. It was one of those things that was subtle, like the farrier didn’t notice but I did. It was so consistent everyday. That’s fine too.
He’s also better about doing belly lifts. He used to always cow kick when we tried and now he does not. I wouldn’t say that he loves them but he doesn’t seem angry about them anymore.
I’m not sure yet if there’s really a difference under saddle too much. I will say it does feel like my saddle is sitting straighter. He continues to be more forward than he was in years past. It’s kind of tricky because for the longest time I had this horse that was just SO behind the leg and now if brush him with my calf, off we go. It’s nice but like learning to ride a totally different horse ha ha. But he’s not like crazy hot either. Yesterday and my lesson we tested out just a wee bit of sitting trot, mostly for my benefit. He was very good about it and his ears even started flopping a little. Almost like he enjoyed it. Personally I think I sit the trot better than I post so that’s probably what he was saying !! Lol
We did a dressage clinic, a weekend ago. It was in barn and the clinician was okay with where we were at. She didn’t seem very concerned about anything soundness wise which was nice. She was of the opinion to not let him get too low and closed. Which I totally agree. She wanted him a lot more up and open. Because he’s one that doesn’t want to be hollow necessarily but he does like to hide behind the bit and or brace down. Which just drops his back too. She said to get him up in the poll so that he actually uses his core and lifts with his thoracic sling. Then have periods of really correct stretching. But not “stretching” all the time.