Experience with loss of movement, rehab and return to riding. MAGNETIC STIRRUP ?ADDED

Keep trying to push those “why me” thoughts out of your head. I have a chronic degenerative back arthritis that is causing my spine to fuse. I had to quit working at the show barn, and quit everything for a few months. No job, no anything, just going to doctors to try and figure out what was wrong.

When I finally got a diagnosis, and a better understanding of what to expect of my life, I bought a horse. A 14h 2 year old QH that was just SO adorable. I couldn’t help myself. I went out looking for a seasoned trail horse and got a 2 year old. Well, good thing about western horses is that she was a very well trained two year old.

Anyways, getting her was the best thing I have done for myself in a while. She has made me realize why I got into horses in the first place. I have no showing goals for her at the moment. Just goals like, lead changes at the end of her 4 year old year. I just want a downright broke horse. Not like the crazy sale horses I used to ride and jump over 4 feet. I look back at that and think “how did I ever feel safe on a horse like that!” Nonetheless, it feels like I have my first pony back again…except now I know more things haha

Somedays, I can’t even lift the saddle onto her back…so we just go at it bareback. Sometimes, I can’t bend over to pick out her feet…so I have a little stool to sit on and she’s learning to just keep her foot on my knee as I pick it up.

Best therapy ever.

Well friends…
Success!! Walked around for about 20 minutes, verrrryyyy slowly, as that’s the only pace possum moves at, which makes him perfect! Balance felt totally fine. My left leg had a couple spasms, but settled down. It felt great to be up!

Had a dr’s appointment with the surgeon yesterday, and he was very, very pleased with my progress. He said that when he did the surgery he was hopeful I would recover, but not totally optomistic I would, so seeing this much progress already is great. He asked if I had been on a horse yet, and I said no, but I’d like to. He just kind of shook his head and said, well don’t fall off. (He has horses too)

Oh thats great news. How happy your surgeon has horses too!

That’s wonderful news! Go you!

Update and a question about magnetic/on-tyte stirrups.

I am no longer doing PT, at least for the time being. I am walking (VERY. SLOWLY.) with a cane, except around the barn where I still use my wheelchair; otherwise it would take me forever and a day to get from one end of the barn to the other. I go back to see one doctor in July, and we will probably start PT again then, or when it seems like I’m ready to ditch the cane.

I have been going to shows to watch and take pictures, and getting around in a golf cart. I’m so ready to be driving on my own, and my doctor said I could practice, but no one will get in the car with me. Scardey-Cats. I’m also looking into getting a gym membership to work on some weight training because I still feel so weak. I mean, I used to carry full water buckets and help load tack trunks and hay bales in the trailer. Now, picking up my English saddle is difficult (partly from balance).

I haven’t ridden much, because it’s been very busy at the barn, and also I know what it should feel like, I know what the correct aids and responses would be when I watch people ride, and it’s not the same. But today I rode and was able to do some posting trot, which is where my question comes in.

My feet would not stay in the proper place. The stirrup would always slide way back, because I don’t have enough feeling in my feet and can’t keep enough weight pressed through them. Would the On-Tyte magnetic stirrup system be worth looking in to?