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Fat Supplements

I’m a big fan of the legends flax high fat supplement/feed. I haven’t had a horse or pony yet that would eat oil. It’s worked the best on all the seniors at our barn.[/QUOTE]

This worked well for my 30+ Arabian for the past two years, but he sometimes won’t finish all his grain. He was only getting about 10 oz/day, but I guess the increase in size of his meal was too much for him. I’ve also had a bag or two go rancid 2/3 of the way through. They were stored correctly but had to be thrown away when they started to smell bad.

Now I’m using Cool Calories. Only 2 scoops a day so far.

Or can you just change their grain? There are several high fat grain mixes commercially manufactured. You are feeding a really high fiber feed which significantly lowers the ‘calorie’ content of your feed.[/QUOTE]


Great stuff for my 3 other TB’s. As I said…this one is a new & different nut to crack.
We’re starting this on Monday when my order comes in.
