Favorite exercises to help collect the canter

Thanks. I will try to think that next time. It might be half halt, half halt, splat…but I will try it. I like the idea of GO out of it.

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Lots of good suggestions. One more thing to add…canter 5-10 strides, halt, back up a few steps, then back to the canter, I have a mare who wants to get strong and a bit flat and that (along with many of the exercises above), have absolutely transformed her in the last year.

@Willy Von Whompers - start at the walk. Very easy to walk a square with turns on the forehand or haunches at each corner. Then progress to the trot where your corners will soften up a bit (but same concept), then to the canter. Once the horses understand the shape/goal, it’s usually pretty easy to do with them.

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Thanks I will try that. Horse is very smart but you can tell it hard for him to even consider sitting down behind. But if I have a really clear pic in my own mind of exactly what I want, it goes much better. Go figure. :slight_smile:

Yes, halt-reinback can put a horse back on their hind legs. It is real work for them, so use with attention (don’t over do).

Another nice preparation for canter squares is canter - walk - walk pirouette (or TOH) - canter

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Great suggestions from so many people. I am actually doing the canter squares with my 3rd/4th level horse to prep the pirouettes. The big horse is already starting to offer a little more collection in her canter, so I am thrilled to feel the change in her balance.