Favorite Horse Books from way back when

Did anyone every read the two books about Black Beauty’s relatives? There was a piebald that worked in a mine, and an all black brother, and a bunch of others. I dont remember what they were called…I loved reading them though. Anyone know what they were called?

I also loved the Robin McKinley story “The Blue Sword” where the people ride 18hh war horses without bridles and stirrups to defeat evil. Good story

I also like “The Tiger Roan” …

Becky - speaking of M. Dickens, how could we have forgotten the “Follyfoot Farm” series??!! About a rescue home for horses, with Dora, Steve, and Cally and the Colonel who run it. Dora is always taking in new rescue cases much to Steve’s annoyance and Cally is always ditching school because she is training a nice youngster called Folly that the Colonel bred.

I love some of the characters in these books, like the rogueish Stryker and that know-all horsey woman who tries to run the farm when the Colonel is in hospital.

I love these books from England, I was raised on them!

Go to this link and print it off. I think you must be remembering Pamela and the Blue
Mare go to the Olympic Trials, sequel to the first. I have the original book where Pamela raises the mare and hunts and shows in the Corinthian class against the MFH, etc.
This is a wonderful list of many old favorites.

How about “Coppers Chance” and “Scarlet Royal” or the wonderful one with the girl who inherits a mare and gelding from her uncle. Gazelle is killed in a stable fire but she goes on to show Bluebird in jumpers.

Here is another in order by author with synopsis.

[This message has been edited by Everythingbutwings (edited 11-30-2000).]

I spent a month in Malta back in the late 70’s.
I noticed none of the horses were gelded either.
Also I think some of the carriage horses were on the little, hard Malta racetrack racing on the weekend, after their weekday carriage jobs

I’ve been lurking avidly for about a week, succeeding nobly in resisting the urge to sign on, but mention of Pamela and the Blue Mare did it. How I loved that book! And the sequel, too. Also everything by Patsy Gray, especially Horse in her Heart. Dorothy Lyons and Jane McIlvaine were favorites as well. Did anyone else like Afraid to Ride by CW Anderson? (By the way, is it okay to jump in or do I need to introduce myself somewhere first?)

I have always wanted a pinto saddlebred. A friend of mine told me it was because I read ‘Harlequin Hulaballoo’ too many times as a child. I think that was my first horsey book even before the Black Stallion series or the 3 Jays.

I used to read Saddle Club series. Or something with that sort of name.

Did I leave out Glenn Balch?

“Christmas Horse”, “Indian Paint”, oh the list keeps growing!

Anyone looking for an inexpensive new one for young kids, American Girls has a new one out called “Girls and Their Horse” which has short true stories about Vaulting, junior rodeo, the Chincoteague auction, junior hunters and has a load of horse trading cards as well (The mare in the Andalusian pic belongs to my instructor!)

The book is under $10

A great source for used books that you can’t find in the US, or if you know re specific British authors that you’re after, is www.paperbackshop.co.uk. I bought four big fat paperbacks from them and, with airmail, it cost $22. And they were in great condition.

I love all these book threads we have, but you have cost me a ton of money!

Alumna/ae – oops, ok, it was a good attempt. I took Latin in 8th grade, in 1983 – <blushing>

Oh I love this thread…

Loved the Flicka books: My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead, Green Grass of Wyoming (re-read the series last year).

For the Love of a Horse, The Red Devil and Summer Riders would be by the British author Patricia Leith.

Oldies but goodies: Josephine Pullein-Thompson who wrote: Pony Club Team, Pony Club Camp etc. All about the trials and tribulations of a group of young riders in England. My favourite character was Noel who had a grey pony called Sonnet and a TB called Truant, I used to wish I was her.

K.M Peyton’s Fly-by-Night… I loved that book!! All about a young girl whose family cannot afford a pony for her so she saves up to buy one. After a long search, she buys one that is young and cheap, and she struggles to train it, while all around her are kids with expensive ponies who sneer at her. It is very well written and even adults would enjoy it. I’m going to re-read it again!!

Please someone tell me the name of the sequel !

Misty of Chincoteague and King of the Wind both by Marguerite Henry.

And I sobbed my way through Beautiful Joe.

She is a great great grand daughter of Charles Dickens, obviously talent runs in the family!

“Talking of Horses” is a book about her life with horses, the horsey people she has known, and her thoughts and feelings on the subject of horses. More so an adults or teenager’s book rather than for children, I first read it when I was about 14 and I still re-read it occasionally.

I had been thinking of going looking for it. Rockstar, I feel the same way. Black Beauty was so powerful in its depiction of cruelty to horses - and I get upset now just remembering. But that was Victoriann England - and the abuse continues. I was on a holiday in Malta once, and the carriage horses looked terrible - so thin and sweaty - and the people taking the carriage rides were oblivious. Abuse continues in places you wouldn’t imagine. In Southern Ontario, we have many Mennonites - a religious order, many of whom drive carriages. They get standardbreds off the track - and although many are well taken care of - many more are not - you see them trotting down the road - so lame, thin, soaked with sweat, standing uncovered in a freezing rain storm … and when they are truly “done” - they are still just comodities, shipped to the slaughter house. But of course “Man has Dominion”… .
on a happier note, like many of the other posters, I fixated totally on the CW Anderson books - Billy and Blaze, A Pony for Joan, all the race horse books - maybe that is where I got the “imprint” of how a horse should look!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Everythingbutwings:
[B]Go to this link and print it off. I think you must be remembering Pamela and the Blue
Mare go to the Olympic Trials, sequel to the first. I have the original book where Pamela raises the mare and hunts and shows in the Corinthian class against the MFH, etc.
This is a wonderful list of many old favorites.


OMG you just made my day! I had no idea there was a sequel. The only one I had was the first where Pamela was scared of horses and she and the blue mare got together and she won everything at the hunter trials and her grandfather gave her the horse. (Hope I didn’t give theending away to anyone who is aobut to read it. LOL.)

And now they go to the Olympics… Sigh.

Looking back, since my name is Pamela, now I know where I got my penchant for gray horses!

“For Love of a Horse,” which was about this family who moved from England to Scotland and the daughter tamed this wild Arabian mare who’d escaped from the carnival and almost died on the moor (I know, heavy drama now that I just read that)

Bought that book in England when I was a little girl. I forgot all about it until I read you post. Loved it!!

Nope, we know you now! You will have to learn the smilies, though, there WILL be a test!

How about “Black Horse of Culver” or “Frog, the Horse that Knew no Master”? I have found that if you have one book that you really like, go to one of the book match search engines and search on the author’s name. You will find a treasure trove of others by the same person, some times add that name as illustrator and another gold mine.

Oh, we can’t leave out Judy Van der Veer’s “Hold the Rein Free” Golly, I love books.

I couldn’t post for awhile & wondered if anyone else had read that book.

I even found a vintage copy of it in a little bookstore in this little town. Of course, it’s on my treasured books shelf now.

That book, plus seeing the REAL Wing Commander eons ago - I was just a baby, OK? - got me into the saddlebred scene for awhile. No longer there, but it was fun while it lasted. And I still love the book!

The Showgypsies----I can’t remember who wrote it. What a book. It’s out of print now I think. Similar to Riders but based in US.

How about Somebody’s Pony about a pair of horse crazy twins who find a lost pony only to discover when they take it to a show that it’s a famous show pony? I found a copy of this book at a used book sale, signed by illustrator Jeanne Mellin (who’s currently doing wonderful equine portraits.)

By the way if anyone is interested in more current books, a friend of mine named Jody Jaffe wrote three mysteries that take place on the horse show circuit in and around North Carolina. The titles are: Horse of A Different Killer, Chestnut Mare Beware, and In Colt Blood. All three are out in paperback.