Favorite Horse Books from way back when

Christmas Horse, Indian Paint, Wild Horse, Tiger Roan, The Flaxy Mare, Lost Horse, Keeping Horse, Spotted Horse (for the NAW’s ),Midnight Colt

I read vociferously as a child. I still manage at least one good novel a year, and a few “how-to horsey” books as well. I would love to read a novel every month but riding and dogs and work just take up too much of my time.

My favorite horse books as a child were three that I bought at our school book fair.

“A Horse Like Mr. Ragman,” which was about a girl from a working class family whose father purchased her a pinto pony that turned out to be a star jumper

“For Love of a Horse,” which was about this family who moved from England to Scotland and the daughter tamed this wild Arabian mare who’d escaped from the carnival and almost died on the moor (I know, heavy drama now that I just read that)

“The Summer Riders,” which was the sequel to “For Love of a Horse.” Pretty good too, when one is 10 years-old.

I read many of the Black/Island stallion books, and a book called “Thunder, Mighty Stallion of the Hills.”


ETBW & Earthto?, I loved Frog, too. And Heads Up, Heels Down. Also Stormy (not Misty’s Foal, although I loved that too), a cute Little Golden Book(?) about a TB colt who was born too late in the season and was left behind when his older buddies went off to become racehorses.

Anybody read “Horse Fever”? I loved horses before that, but that book got me hooked on H/J’s.

Is Danza the one where the Paso founders?