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Feed Prices Increasing

well Triple Crown Senior is grain free feed so I kind of wonder that article is about, the area of Iowa that was hit with the summer storm primarily raise soybeans and corn with the majority of the corn sold for ethanol production

As for China, last year was a record breaking rain event and this year is matching last year’s rains.

Today 71 rivers are already exceeding warning levels,

So do not expect or think grain/feed prices will come down in the next few years, if at all

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Triple Crown Senior has soy ingredients and wheat middlings, as well as beet pulp, in the top ingredients. I also think that a company might raise prices across the board to reflect generally rising prices, rather than just on one line of feed.

I was shocked when I bought a few bags of BS Sentinel LS over the weekend and cost was up 25% ($5) since a few months ago after only going up maybe $2 over the past decade I’ve been buying it previously. Luckily I only buy for 1 horse, but still, that took me by surprise.