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Feed Store Display: Updated w/ pics!

I second this point!

But then, there are the employees with knowledge that have a little too much opinion.
I was buying some new fly masks and ask the cashier rung them up I was given a speech about how she does not understand why anyone buys fly masks, that they don’t help at all and the horses don’t like them, on and on and on…
Um lady, I do not think your job includes discouraging people from buying the products the store sells, just saying.

I think a reason that many people want to see the bag itself is, they might not remember the exact name of the product they want to buy, but they will remember what the bag looks like.

Right, also helps when you do know what the bag looks like and tell the new warehouse employee Triumph Senior, the white bag with the brown letters, so they can find it.

Reviving this thread to show you guys the finished product! Of course, the store remodel took longer than expected, so I am still putting some finishing touches to it and finishing up some things. What y’all think?


I love the personalization of it with ribbons and local photos.

I was in a trader’s mall and saw a display that used old 4H trophies to display jewelry. I may add one in the bathroom on the vanity with my most used pieces. Just a touch of whimsy. And keeping some memories.

Thanks! It occurred to me last night I still have some 4H trophies too.

How did you end up handling the feed aspect of the redesign?

We actually moved all large bags of feed into the warehouse instead of a floor display and have pics of the bags and manufacturer brochures at the register. I am working on a book with feeds listed by animal as well. That part has actually gone smoother than I thought it would. I get asked more where the register is now (it is kind of the center of the department, but ya know)


Very cool. Cleanest feed store I’ve ever seen as well. Our local feed store has had a binder containing all the product descriptions for years. Highly recommend one.

Thanks! We had just mopped :joy:. Really, we do try, though