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Feral cat help -Update post 31

Patches is a cutie!! Hope everything goes well tomorrow.

So far, so good. Dropped Patches at local shelter this morning. Heā€™s getting neutered, vaxed, and flea/tick/ear mite/wormer. Will pick him up at the end of the day.


Great news! Glad itā€™s all going so well for you and Patches!

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How is he doing? Iā€™m sure he was glad to be out of the shelter and back home.

Patches seems ok. Picked him up, put him back in the barn in the live trap and placed the cardboard box back over the trap. Itā€™s cold and raining tonight. I slid some wet food with a little additional water and a scoop of cat-lysine supplement in the cage. Would really like him to eat/hydrate and release him in the morning so heā€™s alert. Not sure how long he will hold a grudge, but Iā€™ve taken a shine to him over the past few weeks, even though he normally keeps a 30ā€™ buffer zone between us.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :smile_cat:
He is a cutie.
Donā€™t be surprised if he sticks around, after all, youā€™re his Savior. :heart_eyes_cat:
ā€¦ or if he adioses. :woman_shrugging:

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Patches received two bowls of chicken wet food overnight, which he ate entirely and was released just now at 8am. Patches didnā€™t want to leave the trap with me there so I tied the door open. As soon as I was safely out of the barn he walked out of the trap and sprinted the 100ā€™ to the neighborsā€™ corn field.


Yay! I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he did stay closer now. The last feral that showed up here at my house wouldnā€™t let me near him. He did learn to scream and Iā€™d come out with food. :roll_eyes:

I trapped him, got him neutered and honestly, kept hoping heā€™d go home. I donā€™t need any more cats. Howeverā€¦ he didnā€™t leave and two years later heā€™s still here and now comes in the bedroom when itā€™s cold.

Heā€™ll always be skittish but he sits on my lap and gives hugs.

I hope Patches stays closer. He might for some of that yummy wet food. Glad heā€™s ok!

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread, I wouldnā€™t have done this without the excellent coaching from COTH. I really appreciate the advice!


Such a relief when you get them caught and done isnā€™t it @NaturalSelection ?


Patches update!

Patches stayed away the first week or so post surgery, then started showing up around the barn again and we kept putting out food for him. Now he has taken up permanent residence in the barn and will meet us when we bring him food 2x/day.

Patches seems a little more submissive to Vince, our indoor/outdoor lead cat, but his constant presence has Vince on edge. Vince has become extremely cranky and lashes out at our other mostly indoor cats and the stress seems to be making Vince lose weight.

Patches is getting more comfortable around us, but is not tame yet. I want to help him, but not at the cost of feline peace for everyone else. Suggestions?


My friend adopted a cat who gets prozac ear cream for stress. She thinks it helps him.

Maybe check with your vet to see if medications are necessary. Mine wore a lavender scented break-away collar that seemed to help her.

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