First time taking a horse in for surgery: what to expect?

You’re welcome! Glad you called. :blush:

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The random goodies and all of the candy and cookies during the holidays are much appreciated by the hospital staff, thank you!

  • Signed, former hospital staff that used Christmas cookies to stay awake on the night shift more than once :rofl:

I took real food…Mac n cheese, soup from Bob Evans, bagels and cream cheese, breakfast sandwiches from Bob Evans. The hospital didn’t have a cafeteria and parking was difficult for staff if they left. So, I ferried stuff in.:grinning:


Bless you. :raised_hands:

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Bless THEM! They took great care of him.


I got my TB back with a fancy blue ribbon bow on his halter :grin:
But this was from my vet’s private clinic.
At the teaching college, no frippery, but the techs are all wonderful & one of the attending vets remembered me when I came there with a friend more than 5yrs later :blush:
I remembered him because: young (to me :roll_eyes:), hot & Aussie :sunglasses: