Foot sprain and fracture- should I insist on MRI?

That’s good news in terms of the ligaments but doesn’t help with your pain, I’m sorry.

I just had my first physiotherapy appt today for my foot and she told me that bone bruising (which is a lot of my issue too) takes a very long time to heal.

For reference, I’m about 6 weeks post injury. Pain level is close to zero if I’m barefoot and nothing is touching it. Goes up to a 4 or 5 if I’m wearing a shoe that touches the outside of the fractured toe.

The lightest touch across the top of my foot, or wiggling of the toes causes electric shock / pins and needles feeling. I can bear full weight standing still, but can’t flex my foot to push off it properly until the fractured toe heals more.

So my advice is go slow and be patient. Use crutches and stay off it as long as it is painful to bear weight.