I ride english but ride one handed quite a bit on the trail. How else can I hold my beer?[/QUOTE]
My sentiments exactly! :lol:
I ride english but ride one handed quite a bit on the trail. How else can I hold my beer?[/QUOTE]
My sentiments exactly! :lol:
Riding one handed boggles my mind. It’s the only thing that has kept me from taking my “ok” english horse and turning him into a really nice western horse. Heck, half the time I feel naked just riding with a single english rein instead of a double bridle. Now take it down to one rein and one hand? death
when we train the horses with two hands,we train them to understand that the area around the horn is the “box” and every time we have done “something” when it is over we put our (both) hands in the “box” and back to “neutral”
and the horse keeps doing “whatever” until we move our hands back out of “neutral”
so I guess an English rider could sort of envision that area being like a gear shift that you keep your hand on…the shifter never moves even though the car (animal) is constantly moving
by always returning to the neutral position in two hands the change is automatic in one hand riding