General feedback on new site HERE


It’s very slow to load. Virtually impossible to read on my phone. Almost all of the screen is while or the avatar. There is so little actual print, even using the computer, that it is very difficult to coherently follow a thread. The colours are also hard on the eyes. The grey avatar column is very distracting as well.

My eyes are blurry from the screen, even being on here for just a few minutes.

What a shame. It has been wonderful being part of the COTH forums for so many years. People have been so helpful, both about horses and life in general. I will really miss this venue but it is just too difficult, on too many levels, with the way this has been re-formatted. Thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to offer advice. All the best!

Maybe I’ll be back when it’s reformatted in a few years. Happy trails!

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@Come Shine there is something going on with some iPhones and how they display. No one has posted a screenshot. Can you?

THIS is what the forums look like on my phone. This is how it’s supposed to display on mobile devices. I have no scrolling side to side. Here’s a link that will show at better resolution. [ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: image_41531.jpg Views: 1 Size: 8.7 KB ID: 9660486”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“9660486”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]
[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: image_41532.jpg Views: 1 Size: 11.9 KB ID: 9660487”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“9660487”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]



That’s how my phone displays the forums. How in the world do you get a screenshot of phone while on it??

Depends on the phone. Google screenshot and the make/model of your device.

Don’t like the ‘new’ version at ALL. Clogged with Rolex ads, difficult to navigate, completely counter-intuitive. I doubt I’ll participate much.

@Simkie Thanks for posting your screenshots for comparison. If anyone is having display issues on their phones, if you can post a screenshot here or send it to me at, it would be helpful.

Heads up that the “Jump to” navigation drop-down menu has been added to the bottom of all pages.

The “similar threads” display option is not available on this version of the software. The development team submitted a request for it to the software developers for their consideration.

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Can I get some further, specific input on the color scheme on the forums – pro and con?

We made some changes from the initial release of the site, and we can make more adjustments, but obviously, not everyone will have the same wish list, so we can’t make everyone happy.

I believe the font size is the same as it was on the previous version of the site.

Is the main issue the background color of the posts themselves, of the sidebars, of both?

Can you provide an example of a site that you DO like?

Thanks for your feedback ~
Mod 1

I don’t really find the color scheme as it is troublesome, especially since the lighter grey in the discussion part was added shortly after launch, but perhaps toning down the white on the far outside would be helpful. There’s a grey background with just a little texture that flashes before the page finishes loading…that seems like it would make a nice backdrop for the “action” parts of the board?

OH HEY–they brought back the clock! When did that happen?? :smiley:

Thank you so much for bringing back the “Jump To” option. Not only is it incredibly convenient, but now it actually works efficiently for me.

It’s not just the font size. It’s how close the words are together. How close the lines are together. The lightness of the font. The grey on the left and the changing colour ads on the right. With how quickly the ads change on the right, in addition to the font being hard to see, it’s like trying to process information while a strobe light is flashing. It’s just too much work to read. However, I am only one person and it is only one opinion.

It has been great being here for so many years! All the best with the new format. Cheers.

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I too am not having a problem with this color scheme. The greyish green background is just fine to me. I am not looking at the white edges so no problem there.

I have been able to see this new format better than I did the old one, from the first day, on my laptop and definitely on my Iphone, but I don’t hardly ever use it for internet browsing.

Guess that every one of us navigates in different ways?
We can change brightness in our own computers, maybe that is why some are seeing things brighter than others?

I’m not seeing a greenish grey background. I’m seeing expanses of white, maybe not quite as white as before, but still white. Only the box with the poster’s name and the quote box are not white.


I see a very light grey behind the active posting parts.

Hey @Moderator 1, how do the “themes” work that we have in our profile? (Oh, where’d it go? Wasn’t it a dropdown on the User Settings>Account page?) Maybe we could use that with a “dark” option and a green and cream option? People could select what works best for them?

Most unfortunate that it sounds like maybe you aren’t giving the new BB software and the COTH developers and Mods a chance :frowning:

Yes, this isn’t the old BB software. But, in the few weeks we’ve been live, the IT staff has been fantastic with listening to feedback on both things that don’t work as well as things we all didn’t like the way it worked and have made changes to address issues.

IMO, this BB software also has a few features that I quite like over the previous software…

With a change this substantial, always best to give it a chance before dumping the entire site in the trash. :slight_smile:


ON IPHONE :mad: …
the view from IPHONE continues to be poor !
as in worse than after the hack in November !

any chance of ‘fixes’ with alternate device usage ?

and it’s SO SLOW - logging in - posting - logging out …


I certainly don’t have these issues from my bevy of mobile devices or my computer.

Can you toss up a screen shot of your display issues, or email it to @Moderator 1 ?

I had to change browsers on my phone so i could login. Edit works and posting logging out & in are fast from phone. Might need to upload a different browser,made a big difference for me.
Site isn’t real mobile friendly can’t see who posted last on threads. Part of the site isn’t visible on phone don’t like that. So don’t use phone other then when having a sleepless night,which is most nights recently.

Thank you tazycat - changing browser help !
Log in and log out ok - EDIT works and everything is faster!!
Appreciate your help !

  • guessing the limited view is a hazard of the new site - not mobile friendly like the old site.
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