Getting back in the saddle after broken wrist

I didn’t real all the responses, so this may be redundant. A Long time ago, I broke my navicular bone (yes, we have them - one of 7, I think, in the wrist.) I was in a cast for six months. Right hand. The cast was down to the tips of my fingers and my thumb, which made holding the reins impossible. But I managed to peel the cast back enough to grasp things by curling my fingers. I was riding in about 3 weeks. Didn’t ask - didn’t tell. it hurt, but I don’t think I did any damage. I’m sure every break is different, so if you think you might fall off, or might do some harm, maybe you can just help out for a while on the ground - groom, clean tack, enjoy being around. Speedy recovery to you.

I broke my wrist a couple years ago. Was in a cast (with a thumb part) for about a month and a brace for a month or so after that (I had also damaged some ligaments). I was back riding… Oh… A week or so later? I rode the whole time I had a cast without problems. I did ask the doctor and he said go ahead… I think he was envisioning a nice western trail ride, and not jumping, but I didn’t both to correct him. I was lucky, and had no problems. It never hurt, so I figured it was okay to keep riding. (I even showed :uhoh::wink: and won my very first first place in a cast). The doctor did say that if I fell off it was very unlikely that I would damage the same part of my wrist. It was more likely that the bone right above the edge of the cast would break.

Was it a good idea? Probably not. Would I do it again if I had a similar break? …probably.

I didn’t break my wrist, but my lower radius & ulna in 3 places and had a lower arm cast for 3 weeks and then a wrist brace for 2 weeks. I fell off a swingset on thursday and got the cast, had a lesson on friday (didn’t tell my trainer & hid the cast under a glove b/c I was little and scared she wouldn’t let me ride :lol:) then another lesson saturday, and showed sunday. I don’t remember it bothering me except for sometimes over jumps for some reason but no damage was done.

If it really bothers you, you can always ride one handed and/or have someone lunge you