Going in for surgery for my chest port on monday

Glad the initial part went well, hope the same is true for the rest!

Best of luck! Kick nasty Lyme in the butt :slight_smile:

Jingles to take away the soreness quickly

Jingles for you this am ~ missed your update yesterday ~ Soo very glad to find:D and read it this am ~ glad everything went smoothly. Jingles for the soreness to dissipate quickly. Take care. AO ~ Always Optimitistic !:slight_smile:

I hope the drugs work! At least the sun is warm and you can enjoy the spring.

Hope you are feeling more comfortable. Good luck with your treatments.

How are you today? I hope your treatments go well and the pain goes away quickly!

Jingling from NJ!
I hope you’re feeling better!

Hi Everyone!

Well, I didn’t sleep much last night, but on the plus side with me icing my chest area where the port is it is not nearly as swollen as last time. I only had to take a few pain pills today did I mention percaset is your friend? But between surgery yesterday, and yesterday being a bad day health wise to start, and me being on pain pills today I was drifting in and out of sleep all day. I would be reading, typing, or watching a movie and then all of a sudden I would wake up and realize I had been asleep for 30min-2hrs! Which is why there is no driving a car for me right now. Just can’t trust myself, but it was getting like that before I went in for surgery on some days. Nurse came and showed me how to do my drugs, fun fun! It is a different way from doing it last time tohough. I can’t wait till I can do stuff for more then a few min so I can at least go see the horses. My husband is setting up a website for me to kinda blog/write about how I was before the lymes, all the doctors I went thru, all the meds, the problems with the insurance dcompany, and such. So beut I am having problems typing now, screen is kindan blurry ijn and out so am going to lay down.

Hope tomorrow when you come on board you are much, much better!

Take care

Jingles for a day of rest and recovery for you on this Wednesday & Sunshine too !:cool:

Just a quick update for everyone:

I slept most of the day, and lost use of my legs for part of the day. Today is day 3 on my meds. They warned me I might get very ill the first two weeks, but the loosing use of legs was happening before, just took me by supprise today. They are working again.

I met with my what ThedaCare Home infusion calls her ‘my case worker nurse’ she pretty much knows all the ins and outs on how to get the insurance company to let you stay on the meds as long as you need. Plus she made sure to put a big note in my file saying that I have to stay on these long term so my body does not become rescistant to it as it is the final chance. So good work. But have to go, screen is making me ill.

Oh and on a horsie note: The pony I found for my student that I use to own and was his breeder years ago (he was 3 when I sold him and is now 11) had the dentist out and his mouth was a wreak! THis is everything they did:
Front teeth trimmed down to match teeth on bottomPut bits seats it, ground down all molars be hind And trimmed the canines. He probably other then when I had his teeth done since I had his wolf teeth pulled

And on top of that he was a saint during trial and all the other rides, so he should be even better now : )

Hope tomorrow things are better!

I imagine if you are having constant infusion with a newly-installed port, it probably is a little uncomfortable. I can’t imagine riding with the needle in the port, that would be seriously iffy!

Anyway, hope you are doing better and that you are able to get it DONE this time! Good luck!!

monstropony- Oh no I’m not riding, my husband would kill me!I can’t ride till the port is removed, it goes into a major artery near my heart so if I damage it that is a vvery very bad thing. I can hardly stay awake for more then 30min in a row so that wouldn’t look good falling aslleep on the horse.

Not in as much pain today, but am still unable to stay awake and this is coming froma a person who has to use tons of sleeping pills at night befoore this Still having problems typing, but not as bad as before.

Hope you guys are out enjoying the nice weather. It is almost 55 here in WI! I want to ride!

Morning Jingles for you ~ hoping you feel better today ~ great news about the the student and your pony reunion. Nice !

Thanks everyone.
Doing well this AM. I can’t believe how much less swelling there is this time around. Now if only I could stay awake during the day! An insomniac has now turned into a person who sleeps 18hrs a day! grrr

Prayers for a complete recovery :yes:

Sleep away, darlin’…your body needs it to heal! :slight_smile:

We are always around, so don’t worry about missing anything. Sleeping is because you need it to heal. Less time to hurt and be bored, so enjoy it Sleeping Beauty!