Going insane having to take it easy while on my meds

Another thought!

Valium is not a sleeping pill. Traditional sleeping pills really work well altho’ many of us only need the shorter acting ones to just FALL asleep. The newer ones really rock! I’vem used Ambien and found the smallest dose (5mg as opposed to 10mg) very effective. Always use the smallest effective dose.

Insomnia is a VERY common problem and symptom. It can be caused by many, many co-existing conditions. It’s VERY common during menopause or during life stressing times. Certainly medical illness is one of the worst life stressors. Stress has many physical manifestations. For me its been insomnia during a divorce. Many of us with chronic illness get depressed and insomnia is a hallmark of chronic depression. Hence my suggestion that you consider antidepressants as a treatment for insomnia. Works for me! The Serum Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors class are fabulous! SSRI’s take several weeks to get in your system and work but wow I just loves that “glass is half full” feeling of contentment and the feeling I can really cope.

Any of us w/chronic illness should talk to our docs about it. You may have to play with the meds & doses but please give it a try. It helps!
Best wishes Gallant on your battles! Your spirit will get -R- done!!!