The friend I’ve had the longest --since we were 12 years old and two horse-crazy girls --long ago gave up the horse life --but kept her “box turtle” that she found as a kid --well Tardis is now 50 pounds of tortoise and a few years ago she moved him out of her house into his own house in her backyard, close to or attached to her house --not sure, never saw it.
For all those years Tardis had a heat lamp --yesterday my friend’s house burned down. She did manage to save Tardis and her cat, at the cost of her hair and eyebrows. She’s fine, she says. But she had to surrender Tardis to Tortoise Rescue as she can’t take him to her motel where she’s staying (with the cat) until her house is sorted --probably demo and rebuilt but that’s going to be along process . . . so I guess be cautious with heat lamps and heating pads . . .Gordon will be just fine in the hay mow, I’ve decided --and I think he agrees. He’s letting my scratch his head with my hand!