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GPS Dog Trackers

Funny story…a new neighbor moved in down the street and had an intact beagle who would be found roaming all over, including waltzing into the garages of people who lived in a nearby housing development and into yards where dogs were kept in by invisible fence. I would see this beagle about every other day, trotting down the street, in the woods, etc. Lots of complaints to the dog warden. Anyway, early on after they had moved in, I’m walking my dog on a nearby street and see this beagle walk in then out of an open landscaping trailer on another street, pee on a few tires, and then become very interested in something under the truck. I called the neighbor to say that her dog was in serious danger of being run over or inadvertently dog-napped by a landscaping crew. Neighbor politely advised that her dog had a gps collar on that showed he was on her property. I advised that her gps was wrong. She insisted that was impossible. We went in circles like that for a few minutes, and then I politely told her that she was welcome I had reported her straying dog (she had not said thank you) and hung up. :joy: Dog warden eventually fixed the problem and beagle thereafter was seen leash-walking until the people moved away again.

Off topic, but … tell me about this ‘dog warden’. What is a dog warden?

Also that beagle thought he had a good thing going with the inaccurate GPS. :grin:

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Dog Catcher, more or less.

? Why would a dog catcher mediate dog complaints?

Where I am, dog catchers catch dogs and take them to the pound. I mean the city shelter. They don’t converse about it.

Where I am, that I know of, no one takes complaints about dogs. If a dog is violating an ordinance, you can complain about the ordinance, but they don’t really address the dog itself. The idea that there is someone to call other than AC is interesting to me.

Our town has a dog/animal warden. They help with wild animal problems and lost dogs, ponies, etc. We have a small kennel in town for strays and what-not.

They mediate complaints about dogs because … that’s their job. They are quite useful, helpful people.

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My town needs a proper dog warden. One like yours. :dog2:

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So, I called tech support, and found out there was an antenna in the box that I had not screwed into the handset! D’oh. It works well now except that I am appalled to see where they have been going
(i.e., not staying on our 200 acres!). I have several well behaved dogs that would never dream of leaving the house or barn area uninvited…and one scoundrel who is trying to recruit the puppy to a life of action-adventure. Eye opening.


That is very interesting on so many levels! Sometimes we really do not know our pets as well as we sometimes think we do. :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

Also that a device that could be so important in the life of its users can so easily transmit the wrong data is appalling, in my point of view. How many other users are making the same easy mistake, completely unaware, and are uninformed about the truth of their pets movements?

Device makers and retailers need to understand the importance of what they do, and do a much better job in design. But too often they feel no sense of responsibility about making a product that will reliably work correctly.