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Grain and boarding

So, she always gives you plenty of notice, but this one time she only gave you 2 days notice? Perhaps she just forgot? Perhaps she was also busy getting ready for Thanksgiving? Everyone makes mistakes occasionally.


Definitely seeing two issues here. Grain thing I stand behind my previous position.

The relationship thing is different. Your role has indeed changed, so thereā€™s that, but if the rules are different for you than for the other boarders in your same ā€œstatusā€ that is a potential problem. If your dog is truly well behaved and has never (not even once) caused a problem, then that sudden change seems strange. Not something to fight over (dogs are such a huge liability in general), but if thereā€™s a growing list of issues in your head it might be time to consider a change.

Whether these instances of different treatment (from the past and from other people) are truly worth leaving over is up to you, but youā€™re most likely going to have to decide if you can adjust your habits and thinking and ā€œlet it goā€ or if you need a fresh start somewhere else, no hard feelings. Itā€™s worth sitting down and thinking about!


Does your barn owner get her feed delivered from the feed store? If so figure out how much your horse is eating, how long that will last, and do a standing order with that feed store so your feed will be delivered with hers.

OR - do like I do and order from Chewy and have it delivered to the barn. Now I realize some of the feed from Chewy is pretty expensive but the ration balancer I order is not - it helps me immensely to get feed delivered because the only store that carries ration balancer is 45 minutes from my house and the only time I can go to that feed store is Saturday morning. Sometimes I just canā€™t commit Saturday morning to go buy one bag of feed. And if I am running low I can move up my autoship. I do have my horses at home so I know when I am getting low way ahead of time.

You should be keeping an eye on your own grain supply. Once itā€™s halfway, just go buy another bag.

The relationship part sounds like you both have a bunch going on.

The different rules are kinda strange, but maybe your dog did something while there or got a complaint. Who knowsā€¦ did she give you a reason??

Yes - this would be my bigger concern, that the barn owner wasnā€™t actually feeding appropriately. So I would figure it out and buy when there wereā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦2 days left. But Iā€™d be checking it regularly to see that it looks like itā€™s being fed according to the schedule.

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I board at a barn where weā€™re responsible for providing our own grain. In theory, the BM has said sheā€™ll give a heads up when she refills grain bin with the last bag of grain in the storage room. However, this was a verbal commitment and not something written into the boarding contract, so it doesnā€™t always happen.

Itā€™s our responsibility as boarders to keep track - any advance notice from BM is more a courtesy than an obligation. Iā€™ve taken to weighing my horseā€™s AM + PM grain into gallon baggies. He gets 5lbs a day, so a 50lb grain bag should last me 10 days.

This way I can be very exact about the portions, maximize my feed budget and be absolutely certain that heā€™s getting exactly what heā€™s supposed to. I mark the day on my calendar that baggies will need to be refilled. If theyā€™re not all gone on that day, I know something isnā€™t right.


I agree that itā€™s the boarderā€™s job to keep track of any grain, supplement or medication that she herself pays for and delivers to the barn. I wouldnā€™t expect notification of any kind if the horse was my own.

Of course. People take extra care with their own animals. No surprise there. Why expect an owner to extend this extra care to horses that belong to other people? I donā€™t quite get that.

IOW, OP, I donā€™t think your BO is ā€œshunningā€ you. I think sheā€™s being professional, while youā€™re expecting special treatment that really isnā€™t warranted under the new conditions.


As a boarder who has provided their own grain before, I never expected the BO to tell me when I was low or out. Itā€™s my grain and my responsibility. If youā€™re not out at the barn regularly enough to look in the bin, you should keep track based on how much theyā€™re getting fed by weight and how long x number of bags is expected to last.

As a barn owner who always had boarders that provided their own grain and hay, I told people as a curtesy because I had a small group with max eight horses. However, I only gave one notice of how many days I estimate is remaining. I did not remind after a few days, nor did I remind when they actually ran out. If they ran out, they ran out. A BO is not your assistant. Habitual offenders that let their horses run out of feed whether or not I sent a notice, I required they either had to switch to full board, or leave my farm.
All other BOs I know personally do not send a notice at all.


Also a boarder who pays for stall cleaning and feeding and turnout at a lovely facility but I provide my own grain, hay , shavings and supplements. I know exactly how much hay how much feed and how many bags of bedding I go through weekly. I always buy ahead and make sure my horse is well supplied. Sorry OP ā€¦. Personal issues with your friend aside this is on you.


Iā€™ve only been at one barn where they let me know if I was low or out of grain. It would be nice to be notified for sure but itā€™s my responsibility to make sure heā€™s stocked.


In my current situation, I care for about 36 boarded horses, with each having 1-5 supplements and/or meds, and five eating their own grain. There are 70 different supplements/meds in my feed room, plus 12 feeds (7 of which I order for the barn). I do my best to send a text when they are running low, but honestly, with each horse getting different amounts of various different powders/pellets, itā€™s not always immediately obvious when one is 7-10 days out like it is when they are 2-3 days out from being empty. I also donā€™t feel that it is my responsibility to manage their supplement (or grain) supply- I am happy to feed whatever they like, but managing 85+ product inventories is unreasonable in addition to everything else a BO/BM does. Part of the benefit of using the farm-supplied grain is that they never have to worry about running out- beyond that, I can only take so much responsibility.

Also- I have spent plenty of time as a boarder myself, and never expected to be notified of low grain or supplements. It is very easy to calculate how much your horse consumes daily and set a reminder in your calendar. As others have mentioned, this is also handy because it can help you identify feeding errors (which do happen!). My horse, my responsibility.


This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.

OP, I supply my own feed at the farm Iā€™m at, and make sure to check my supply every couple of days Iā€™m at the barn. Itā€™s been working quite well. I usually make sure to pick up another bag about a week out, just in case life gets in the way.


It is your horse. If you are not paying full board, you are responsible for making sure the horse has its feed.

The BO is considerate to text you at all.


Calculate how many pounds your horse gets per day. Use that to figure out how many bags heā€™ll need per week or per month and keep an extra bag or two on hand just in case. Thatā€™s what I do with my two horses.


As to the other issue- at my last barn I found that the owner kept coming up with rules to gradually make things more difficult for me specifically. She clearly wanted me out without telling me, so I left.

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Definately paying full board hereā€¦ its only recently that she hasnā€™t been giving me much notice, sheā€™s always texted when im low on grain so I get what everyone is sayingā€¦ but thatā€™s always the way its been lol :woman_shrugging:t3:

I donā€™t get it. Pretty much every person replying to you has agreed that the BO is in the right.

What is it you want to hear, exactly?


Your BO was going above and beyond. It sucks when youā€™ve become accustomed to something Iike this and it changes. It makes it hard for you to readjust, especially without much warning. But echoing everyone else, itā€™s widely expected that boarders keep tabs on their own feed supply when providing their own.


Well, her response was to someone saying ā€œif youā€™re not paying full board, itā€™s your responsibility.ā€

OP - in my world, ā€œfull boardā€ includes grain, and the responsibility for monitoring and purchasing grain is the BOā€™s, not the boarder. Does your barn offer grain but you choose another grain, at your own expense? Or do all boarders have to supply grain (if so, I would say you are not paying ā€œfull boardā€.)

Either way - if the BO is not going to purchase the grain for you, I would just tell them the schedule you plan to buy it and just do that. It should not change from bag to bagā€¦itā€™s either every [one bag every X days] or they a) fed another horse with your grain; or b) didnā€™t feed your horse enough.

And Iā€™d have an issue with both.

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Itā€™s not full board if youā€™re supplying your own grain.

Regardless if she should have or shouldnā€™t have, learn the lesson. Keep track of your own grain.

It is your horse. Therefore, it is your problem.