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Grain and boarding

We offer full care and partial care board with 1 type of grain supplied. All supplements must be bagged or in smartpacs and if a boarder wants their grain fed they must supply the scoop and bin. We give clients 1 notice when they run low (2-4 supplement bags and about 1/4 a bin of grain). After that I don’t remind them. We do have 1 client with a retired horse that we tell about their grain when we fill open the last bag and again at 1/2 a bin. But she is the exception due to health stuff.

I did have to have a talk with a client who has their horse on regumate about how they need to check the bottle. We don’t touch anything but the dosing gun since it is, well, not good for anyone to actually touch. If I had it my way we would not be feeding it in the first place.

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I buy my own grain for my boarded horse (I’m on full board, but my horse is picky so I provide my own grain.) I portion out my grain into meals and sometimes by barn owner tells me when I’m on my last meal, but not always. My horse eats 14 pounds of grain per day, so I know that I need 2 50 pound bags per week to be safe, which gives me a little wiggle room. Now in theory this means I should always be prepared, yet this morning I was carrying grain to the feed room pre-dawn because I didn’t unload it last night. Around holidays or when I’m travel I try to keep an extra bag or two on hand. How much grain are you able to store at once? I can really only do a week at a time under normal circumstances, but my horse eats a ton. I store the extra at home/in my truck.


What’s your boarding set up? Full, Partial?

I’m currently on partial board where I clean the stall, provide grain, and fill hay (However shavings and hay are provided by the BO) so I’m usually checking how low the feed bin for my horse but I usually will receive a text from both workers that his food is getting low at least 1 week to a few days or so in advance. It’s usually sporadic but they only recently started notifying me of that for partial.

There’s no set time to notify me for this type of set up.

The OP answered that up thread a bit.

Any updates @Vicbrenan? Have you talked to the barn owner?