Grazing muzzle woes--He did it again! (update post #9) (another update post #17)

I do not use the halter that “goes” with the FF muzzle. We use the cotton web/leather halter Dover sells or a plain leather halter.


How long did it take your horses to get used to wearing it, and did you enlarge the original hole? I have only tried my FF muzzle on my guy a few times so far but he was not happy.

Honestly…I think I had the problem getting used to them being muzzled😀. We have one who wears it year around. It varied…but they all got used to wearing it. It is a HUGE improvement over the ones they had been wearing. I have one who goes out without a muzzle; we put it on after an hour. He immediately tries to rub it off on the water trough and then goes back to grazing.