Hand Hurt So Much in the Cold

I have BoT gloves, they are too bulky to fit under gloves and don’t keep my hands warm alone (however they were wonderful to wear w/heat therapy and when I was wearing my last device of torture, a wrist flexion brace).

There are silk glove liners that are super thin and do help a bit, I’ve used those for years.

I have Raynauld’s and live in a very cold climate. My cold weather fix is mutli-focal.

#1. I take Niacin pre-ride. It is a vasodilator and will help improve blood flow to your extremities. You should do this only under doctor supervision.

#2. I wear a ridiculous amount of layers and coats with lots of interior pockets.

#3. I put those “hot hands” heat warmers in all my pockets. So, any given time I ride I wear a warm long johns + sweater over + fleece over that (and 2 hot hands in fleece) then a light jacket (hot hands in those pockets) and an overcoat that is down + 3 hot hands in that. I also put “hot toes” in my boots.

Then I wear heavy gloves while getting ready to ride. Then once horse is tacked up but not bridled I go into bathroom, take off extra warm gloves and run hot water over hands. Then I put on my normal riding gloves (I hate thick gloves where I can’t feel horses mouth) and off I go. Usually by the end of ride I’m hot and shedding layers and hands are warm/pink. AS SOON as I’m done it all has to come back on though as the cool down can be harsh!

This has gotten me - a girl with pretty serious Raynauld’s - through it without anything more than a bit of pain/cold fingers here and there.

Gosh, do you have stock in the hot hands company? :lol: They’re a dollar for two, where I live. I try not to use any until it is below 0 F (-18 C). I guess I’m just cheap. I do use lots of layers, but somehow I just don’t generate heat, especially at 4:30 in the morning. I am trying Niacin at present, with variable results. Sometimes I get a flush on the back of my neck; sometimes nothing at all. Thanks for the input!

I have tried two different kinds of battery warmed gloves, neither produced any discernable heat (Blazewear and Heatglove). There is a $300 pair out there also that I just can’t wrap my head around spending! I use the handpacks in my gloves, but it doesn’t always do the fingers. I may try the muff with a flax pack heated in the microwave. Mittens work better, but I can’t do any barn chores with them. I do have an infrared patio heater in my tack up area, so sometimes use that to thaw my fingers when they have lost all feeling (which doesn’t take long) :frowning:

There are motorcycle and snowmobile gloves that plug into the battery on the machine. Maybe I should get some of those with a 12 volt car battery and a long tether. That might just do it, LOL.

I use the handpacks in my gloves, but it doesn’t always do the fingers. [/QUOTE]
I have a pair of glove liners that have metal thread woven through them (they are black with gold threads) and a pocket on the back of the hand for the heat pack insert. The idea is the metal threads conduct heat to the fingers. I have never tried the heat pack in them, but the theory is sound. They are very nice liners all by themselves though.

these are them