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Happy New Year! 50 Things I Learned on My Colorado Ranch

  1. Aquatic biologist thanks you for understanding how important water is!! Always take care of it first.

  2. One person can run a farm. Two makes it a lot easier, but sometimes life takes some choices away from you.

Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts. I would just add – DO remember to turn out the barn lights at night. Then look up & listen. The dark midnight peace under the stars is one of my favourite parts.


I’d like to add if I may: Water is important everywhere. Treasure it, take care of it, keep it clean. Every living thing needs water and soon enough we will be looking around for more.

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Thanks for the comments. Yes, I used to run a farm by myself … but it was only 20 acres and most everything was built. But I discovered that 50 acres is so much more than 20! Plus – one person just cannot build everything from the ground up. So much of what needs to be done requires two sets of hands! I have hired a gal who lives nearby to help out in the mornings, M-F … and it’s game-changing. Two people CAN run a ranch! Even if the second one only works a few hours, it’s amazing what you can done in an hour with two people vs just one! But yeah, if I were single again and it were my only choice, I would figure out a way to do it by myself …

Thank you for that fun and any chance we can get your original list that went viral??? And so sorry to hear about your losses and injuries and hope Dear Hubby heals quickly. And thanks for the Lowe’s link too!

You made me laugh!! #45 was seriously funny! You go girl!

living a dream :slight_smile: so beautiful

{waving from my Midwest 5ac farmette}
Thanks, that was a good read, LOLd at some items, teared up at others, but overall: AMEN!

Sorry for your losses.
I remember reading your posts about Rocky & Cooper (& before them King & your WB, whose name escapes me).
Also recall when DH was SO :wink: & hope his recovery is swift.

My BFF from HS (some 50+yrs ago) is in CO, not sure exactly where.
I want to visit, but fear - from her descriptions of places she has lived there - wanting to move me & horses there if I do.
& now I need to Google Small Acreage Farms For Sale in CO…

So nice to hear from so many old friends!

Unfortunately, I cannot place my hands on the original “75 Things I Learned …” article. 12 years and a cross-country move … I know it’s around here and when I find it, I’ll be happy to re-post it!

2Dogs – so fun to hear from you again! My Warmblood was Elijah, and oh I do miss him every day. We adopted a 17H Thoroughbred last year, only 12 years old, but with a career-ending injury – he was formerly an eventer, never bred for racing. He’s huge and has a heart to match! Somerset. We call him Sommy … or SomSom, which he does not prefer! LOL.

DH is doing sooooo much better now. It’s day-by-day, but grateful for every. single. day. together.

Oh, and if you’re ever out here visiting on the Front Range, drop me a line. Would love to show you around the Ranch. If you recall, my farm in Kansas was King’s Ransom, named after King. The Ranch is Legacy Ranch, which is King’s legacy. The circle is unbroken!


Gorgeous list! I am sorry for your recent troubles, and I wish a speedy recovery for DH.

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I just came across this doing a search on bird spikes. So many laughs. Thank you and knew this should get bumped up to today.