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Hay Vendor Question

Please stop making me out to be the bad guy here. I voiced a concern/opinion and asked for suggestions. You’re not doing anything but trying to make me feel bad about questioning the situation. If that’s all you’re here for, I am politely asking you to leave it at this.

There’s no special deal. I’ve was friends with the owner before I boarded here. He just never raised his price.

I also feel like I cannot reach out to him about this as he never brought it up before. It just looks bad on all parties if I call him and go “so and so told me you had said something about this, let’s make it work.” That makes the owner look like a snark.

Again, just as another update, I offered to pay the whole fee for delivery, so we will see if that smooths things out.

I think your offer is more than fair, and if the vendor declines or complains, I would absolutely find a different vendor.

Combining orders to save on delivery fees is very common, IME. I have done it multiple times. Since they’re able to unload the truck leaving it in one place, just throwing to the other side of the aisle, I agree that it is ridiculous for the hay vendor to be complaining about the original agreement. Having to count out 20 bales to put on the other side just is not hard. I’ve had vendors have to move the truck three times in one delivery to unload specific hay in specific places before, none have ever complained, and I’ve never even heard of paying unloading/stacking fees before. That’s always been part of the price of the bale and delivery.


This is 100% my “argument.” Even though I’m not arguing about it. I am happy to pay for delivery/stacking, it just sounds like he complained a while back and it never made it to me until now.

Did your friend/barn owner have an opinion on how to move forward here? Maybe if they talk to the hay supplier and discuss what will make them happy with the situation it can be resolved with out upsetting them?

No she did not, other than to let them do what they want. I offered to her to pay the full delivery fee if he gives her some flack about stacking in a different space. She facilitates the orders, I just pay the vendor when he gets here with it. She thought it was a good idea and will try it!

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