Helmet Help!

I just tried on a Tipperary helmet, and liked it better than the Charles Owen. Has anyone else tried one of these? I also am in the market for a new helmet.[/QUOTE]

This is what I tried to shove my oblong head into. It was a nice helmet just not for my oblong head.

I just tried on a Tipperary helmet, and liked it better than the Charles Owen. Has anyone else tried one of these? I also am in the market for a new helmet.[/QUOTE]

I’m on my second and love it - I have a JR8, which I also love, but it’s SO freaking hot in the summer - got a Tipp because of the vents and it’s the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn. I’m on my second as I fell off in the first, and had no ill-effects!

Thanks to tru37516, I now have a T4 on my wish list. Thanks for the info.

They do fit differently though. I would not say that should warrant such an extensive price difference, but you’re best off seeing which fits you better. The JR8, GR8, and AYR8 all have different shapes. The gr8 and jr8 both have zero venting and the jr8 is intended for children hence the jr.[/QUOTE]

I’m 30, does that mean I have to turn in my JR8? And the GR, does that stand for GRown up…?

I’m 30, does that mean I have to turn in my JR8? And the GR, does that stand for GRown up…?[/QUOTE]

Haha I doubt it, but they are built for a smaller sized and shallower head than the GR8s, but as long as it fits you it obviously doesn’t matter. COs don’t even fit me! I have to go with Samshield or GPA because of my head shape.

I was wondering if anyone knew how the Tipperary sportage helmet fit in comparison to the CO GR8? The GR8 fits me perfect but want something for schooling, etc and I’d have to order it so I don’t want to waste time exchanging everything I try.

The GR8 and the JR8 fit me exactly the same. I don’t have a super small head either.