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Help for hands


Ah, I didn’t mean no one else gets cracked hands :slight_smile: just that every one doesn’t get them so its worth getting more investigation of why!

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Ha! Already have it! But really, the only thing that helps is gluing myself back together.

Yeah, I’ve gotten steroid ointments for my various rashes over the years before. I do agree that it’s genetic, but alas, I don’t think all skin conditions are 100% preventable. I’ve tried other creams and things but…always back to the liquid bandage glue in the end for the cracking after a certain point! It’s odd, because I don’t have dry skin–far from it. Skin is so weird! I guess that’s why dermatologists make the big bucks!

A couple of decades ago I tried Gramp Lyford’s Country Salve and it is all I have used since. My hands got so dry that the skin on my fingers split open. I used skin glue and band-aids. usually 2-3 on each hand. Very fashionable look. I found it at a medical equipment supplier (crutches, potty chairs, etc.). The woman at the desk said it was the only thing that helped her with eczema. It takes a very small glob so a tube lasts longer than you think. I was amazed that it got rid of the dry skin and the cuts healed up and I was back to normal skin. It stayed that way. They are in Vermont. I don’t know if they ship to Canada.

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I worked in a restaurant and had to cut up pork shoulders every day. My hands were lush and beautiful.

A potter I worked with swore by almond oil as a hand lotion. Just that and nothing else, applied after cleaning all the clay of his hands at the end of a session.

That looks interesting and it’s well-reviewed. If my cracks come back, I might give that a go. It says it’s non-greasy, which is a biggie for me.

My hands get dry and cracked because I don’t like to wear gloves lol most lotions sting because my hands are cracked. I will try to force myself to wear gloves- which brings me to another question, gloves that don’t feel bulky and clumsy???

The polish thing is mostly because if I am rushing and forget to clean under my nails before I leave in the morning lol I do a morning turnout & feed before I leave for work. Although I guess the gloves would help with that too. I have just never been a glove person :slightly_smiling_face:

In the winter my fingers crack at the corners near the nail. Sometimes they split open wide enough to bleed. They hurt like the devil. My grandmother had the same problem. So, probably genetic.

One more thing to remember- your skin will be extra dry if you are dehydrated. I was surprised that the condition of my hands and nails improved rapidly when I remembered to drink 2 litres water a day