Help! Ideas for crate bottom for dog who destroys everything :(

Fourth or fifth the recommendation for Primo Pads. If that doesn’t work, I once saw instruction for making a pad on Belg L list serve. The jist of it is:

[I]Take a piece of 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch plywood cut slightly smaller than the bottom of the crate. (Originally we used masonite but I couldn’t find any for the last iteration.) Cut a piece of dense 1 inch thick foam rubber the same size. Stretch tightly a piece of very good quality naughahyde over the foam and plywood and attach to the back side of the plywood with staples. Put pad in crate - it should fit snugly.

The pad is soft enough to cushion. Has just enough give for toe nails to dig in when needed to balance. Washable. Yucky stuff rolls off. Can’t be scrunched up like a cloth pad. No easily chewable edges.

Instead of doing it all myself this last time, I had Home Depot cut the plywood to size. Bought the foam rubber at a fabric store. Brought both to a car upholstery shop and had them supply the naughahyde and labor to make the new pads.[/I]

Buying a Primo Pad sounds a lot easier!

Great post!! I have a smooth Collie who is also a crate pad killer (he’s been through 3 Kong beds) and scatter rug destroyer extraordinaire (killed the rubber anti-fatigue mat in front of my kitchen sink and the welcome mat by our back door), though doesn’t chew on his egg crate stand alone bed ever. I think I’ll try the Primo Pad :slight_smile:

Just a warning, I do have a dog who chewed his Primo Pad.

I think the k-9 Ballistics Cujo cot is what I would go for with a determined chewer.

Just a warning, I do have a dog who chewed his Primo Pad.

I think the k-9 Ballistics Cujo cot is what I would go for with a determined chewer.[/QUOTE]

I removed the crate tray and have my Primo Pads zip-tied to the crate. They send special zip-ties that can be easily removed and used again. I guess my dogs aren’t super determined chewers because I’ve never seen signs of them making an attempt to destroy the Primo Pads. I actually think they would get bored or worked up about something and then go to town on the beds or blankets. Luckily they never ate anything… just left big messes for me to clean up. :lol: