Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

One of the masters of our hunt club had a bunch of scrapes and bruises on her face from a horse related injury; and while standing in line at a CVS, was approached by a stranger who gave her a card for a domestic violence hotline and was assured that they could help her.

We had a lot of fun with that one, especially telling her husband to be careful or we’ll call the DV hotline on him.


I wasctaken to the side by a teacher about a bruise above my knee. Nope kicked by a horse while I was riding my horse.


Adrenaline is a powerful drug.


I was in a car accident, took an airbag to the chest. I was fine, but went to the ER upon advice of my doctor. They took a chest Xray to make sure the airbag did not crack my sternum. Doctor said I was fine, but did I know that I had an old, healed broken rib? Still wondering about that–which horse? Which fall?


Henry was cleared to go back under saddle after today, to which the kiddo said YAY!!!


Ah, horsewomen!



My worst fall was the first time I took my little Appy out by myself. Stupid of me, he’d always done nose to tail trail rides before I bought him. We were just walking along and I accidentally dropped a stirrup. I swear he took advantage–went from a nice amble to full speed bolt in one second. I landed on my head (no helmet, very stupid) then rolled, ripping out half my hair. I looked like someone had beaten me all over the upper body with a baseball bat. My glasses popped out of their frames, and when I came to, I was scrabbling around in the dirt for them.

A jogger came along, said he was looking for the dead person. He’d caught my horse and tied him to a fence before he could cross a busy street by himself. Why do people keep asking me if I’m dead?

I was due for a CT scan of my thyroid the next day, after I gave a presentation at work. I still have no memory of giving that presentation, although my friend said I “did as well as you usually do.” At the CT scan, they wanted to know who beat me, and thought I was there for my injuries. Nope, just a routine appointment.

I had a lot of stuff done at that radiology department, and every time I walked in, they all yelled “sell the horse!” I finally did, after the torn rotator cuff I mentioned up thread.



Love it!! :rofl:


OMGosh!! That sounds incredibly painful. Can’t even imagine. How the heck did you get unstuck?

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Every time I would come home from the barn with a new injury/bruise, my DH always joked that someone was going to report him sooner or later. :grin:

When I fell foreward, my heel came out of the gap but the damage was done from me falling forward and twisting in the air.

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This thread has become a waking nightmare of Stupid Ways to Injure Yourself While Doing Everyday Things and it’s haunting me at all hours :sweat_smile: Thank the gods Henry’s been cleared to go back to work!


I know! I’ve found myself hesitating when stepping off of step ladders, climbing out of bed, and other mundane activities.


Non horse self injury story.

Family event which involved a campfire. I am not a smoker but I love the smell of a cigar. I also like the taste of them. So between campfire and a couple cigar puffs, a few days later I had a cough.
Driving on freeway in Seattle over the freeway bridge ( a blind arch) I was stricken with a coughing attack. It is hard to keep your eyes open during a coughing fit in rush hour on the freeway.

I strained the muscles in the back of my neck and shoulder and was a wreck for a week


My mom bruised easily, especially as she got older. Her co-workers would tease her about what had my dad done to her… It’s in very poor taste, but they all knew what a sweet, kind man my dad was.

She worked at a program for fifth graders, where they came to Balboa Park in San Diego for 5 days and got to tour all the museums, the Zoo, etc. One week, on a Monday, a big, tough kid from a bad neighborhood accidentally elbowed her in the eye and gave her quite a shiner. The poor kid was so worried he’d get in trouble, but he spent the whole week in my mom’s group trying to take care of her and be sure she was OK.


Aw, that was so sweet. I too have always been an easy bruiser with very pale skin, so they show up really well. :upside_down_face:


OK y’all I need some advice.

Bad news about my recent injury, I need surgery to repair my ACL and MCL and whatever else got shredded in there. I’m about to turn 58 years old so the recovery is going to be very different from when I had a much less severe knee injury in my 20s. So I’m looking at months before getting back to pre-injury riding ability.

My assortment of horses includes three made animals who are sound and sane and can go without professional rides, one yearling, and Henry, who is now five. While he was going very well with the kiddo prior to his recent vacation (and kiddo is going to be very good in a few years), that was with me putting on the training rides 3-4 times per week.

So, what’s the best option for Henry now?

  1. Send him out to a trainer.
  2. Let him sit until I’m ready to be back 100%.
  3. Find him a lease situation.
  4. Sell him.

Finances are not unlimited, so #1 needs to have an end date. If it’s #3, I will be very picky as I don’t want anybody taking him who will use him inappropriately for his age and level of training.

Let’s discuss.

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Are there any capable riders in the area who could come and hop on him once or twice a week to keep him on track while the kid does a couple of rides on other days? It would likely be cheaper than just sending him out for training, if it would be enough training.


Ah, thank you, that is another good option to explore.


What was your long term plan for him, before the injury?

He’s young enough that sitting isn’t going to hurt him, and from the sounds of it a good enough egg that he’s probably not going to suddenly “forget” all his training.

But if you were never intending on keeping him forever anyway, I’d vote sell. Leasing is tricky. Sending him out to a trainer is expensive - I would only do that as preparation for/part of selling, IIWM.