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Hock sores: New ideas?

I feel your pain! I got them to a point where it became just a small callous, and was fine with that. Since there was no open wound the flies left it alone. He didn’t seem bothered by them.

Appreciate the advice to cut the corners on the Elasticon. Ever improving…

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Hock shields ( I found the basic version stays put better than the delux) AND drum roll… apply Bickmores Gall Salve. The Gall Salve is the only topical I found helps heal the hock sores. It’s an old time remedy in a black container. Kind of light bluish thick gritty salve.


Often it means they are stiff or arthritic behind, usually the hocks. My horse gets them when he rolls on hard ground and is due for hock injections.


ahhh yes - the gall salve did work better than Corona last time, forgot about that stuff!

Yes, my mare is the same – arthritis in her hocks, gets hock sores basically every winter. I forgot about Bickmore’s salve. If I go the Elasticon route, I’ll try that instead of Corona.

Hock shields were an absolute no-go with her. She has pretty straight hocks, so they didn’t fit really well to start with… and she wouldn’t keep them on. When she was living mostly outside, we’d find them tossed out of the paddock most mornings. Tried standing wraps with them, she hated that and the shields sometimes would stay up, but not in place (e.g. in the morning they’d be facing backwards – if she hadn’t managed to remove them.) She really dislikes having “stuff” on her hindlegs, except for very basic splint boots, which made recovery from LH suspensory surgery such a treat (not!)

I’m re-invigorating this thread because I’m having issues with my mare and her hock sores too! Finally got them to heal by using Hock Shield Ultra’s but as soon as I quit using them, the hair eventually wears off again and the sores come back. I have the same issue as the OP, in that my stall is bedded deeply but she still manages to rub her hocks in there and in turnout too. So she’s been having to wear her hock shields 24/7 but I hate that going into summer because she sweats under them and they get wet/dirty and come off or turn around frequently.

So I am looking for long-term solutions to use in their place. I board so there’s nothing I can do about any stall or turnout factors, so I need something I can do with her to prevent them. Anyone find any sort of liquid bandage that’s substantial enough to work alone? Early on I tried Alushield and it didn’t help at all. I have Purishield and it’s better but still isn’t enough to use alone with nothing covering it.

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Run down patches worked well for me

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Awesome thank you!! How long do they stay on? Is it something you had to replace every day or two, or more like weekly?

I have been using Absorbine Silver Honey ointment on my mare’s hock sores with great results – but I didn’t start until early May, which is when they tend to start clearing up on their own. She still had a little blood on them when I started; two days later it was gone and has not come back.

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When my horse was on stall rest, he had really bad hock sores. I had some hock shields I bought off etsy I highly recommend and then at the advice of a friend I tried Pink Lady wound ointment. I bought it off ebay of all places. It dried up the wound and allowed it to heal and I felt like I had tried everything before that. I swear by that stuff now.

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I’ve had them stay on for about a week before having to replace.


What manner of which craft is this and how have I never heard of this before?!?

Was going to correct this to witchcraft, but whichever craft it is I’m buying a case of these.

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I’ve said it before, but a little square of gorilla tape works great. Don’t put junk on the wound before hand, and if you already have junk on it clean it thoroughly with alcohol and allow to dry before putting the tape on.

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You used to be able to get a roll of it from SuPer Gateway Products, but they don’t seem to sell it anymore… but these work just as well.

Yes I have done that as well but it was before GT so I used duct tape.

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So I tried the rundown pad and it came off within a day - just my luck! However I found that if I spray with Purishield Plus liquid bandage once a day I don’t have to use anything else and it prevents the sores! Much better than Alushield - the Purishield seems to dry much faster and it’s clear too! Only negative is that it’s tough to find the stuff anymore, hope they aren’t discontinuing it!

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Just wanted to give a shoutout to @Simkie for their recommendation for hydrocolloid bandages in the fetlock sore thread:

I just got some from Walgreens and they fit perfectly over the hock sores. They haven’t been on for too long but they stayed put better than the Elastikon sticker, which only lasted a day.

When my gelding had stifle surgery, they had me use Elastikon “band-aids” super-glued on to cover the stitches. Felt weird to super glue something to my horse’s skin, but it definitely stayed put! Luckily he was a good boy for the bandage changes as I can’t imagine it was comfortable for him to have super glue ripped off his shaved skin that close to his groin! :flushed:

Oh yay, I’m so glad they’re working for you! I love them!

And now I think you should try super glueing a little elasticon square over the hydrocolloid to see if it’ll stick longer :grin: I only have used the hydrocolloids under a wrap (they stick great then!) but with some superglue & an elasticon cover, I betcha they’ll do an even better job for your hock sores!

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Would these hydrocolloid drssings work for elbow sores? My poor guy is getting a bad one.