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Hoof boots for lost shoe (turnout)



I duct tape then put the boot over it.


Does that help with chipping?

On a related question, has anyone done double bell boots? What’s the secret sauce to that method? I read on another thread that someone used a smaller bell boot on the top, then the regular one underneath. My guy always goes out in KL select bell boots, but since he’s had his body fixed via hock and SI injections he’s moving like a cat and grabs that front shoe. My farrier is terrific and is coming out to make tweaks based on how he’s traveling post-injections, but since farrier travels so much it’s hard to plan for a lost shoe (horse is going from 5 weeks to a 4 week schedule so I’m thinking that’ll fix my problem right there since it happens in between week 4 and 5, but I don’t want to deal with the text of shame to my farrier if I can help it).

I double up in reverse of that - smaller bell boot on the bottom that just brushes the ground and a bigger rubber one on top that DEFINITELY hits the ground. I’m not sure what a smaller boot on top would do unless the idea was to hold the boots down around the foot?

A thick, pull on style bell boot for the bottom one can be left on for riding, and the bigger top boot can be Velcro. My horses always get rubs from the zero turn nylon kind, but I’ve seen success with those as the bottom bell boot.

Regardless, if your boots don’t touch the ground in the back they’re entirely useless. This is another reason why horses tend to pull shoes in the mud - the muck shoves the boots up the leg and the hind foot sneaks in underneath!

ETA: duct tape between the shoe and the heel like the reiners do can help too but can’t be left on forever.

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We use Elastikon for that.

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Nope. The ones I’ve used (easy boot glove and cavallo) have treads like a sneaker

I use the Cavallo Easy Boot, suuuuper handy to have!

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New product idea… mitten strings but for horseshoes…
Who’s with me? Visit my kickstarter… :rofl:
Apparently these are “legitimately” known as mitten harnesses. So they basically are half equestrian already. I knew them as something else entirely when I was growing up.

I use double bell boots. I use thicker neoprene ones on the bottom and regular plastic or rubber ones on top. This seems to work for me.

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tbh that’s just what i was taught! i never thought about the “why”!

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