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Horse Laying Out Oddly

I’ve got one gelding who does this evey day no matter where he is. I once found him on top of a half eaten round bale still, legs out stiff, sound asleep with hay in his mouth. He wasn’t doing his usual snore (which sounds more like groans of death from him) so I went over to check he gave a couple blinks and jerked his head up and kept chewing his hay, then continued to eat while curled up on the hay. Hes a bit lazy!

My horse has a daily morning routine where he is out COLD in a certain part of his pasture in the morning hours around 9-10. He also snores and sometimes twitches. Apparently not much of a prey animal when dozing, you can get close to him when he’s out (he is very comfortable in his pasture/environment). But everyone gives him his privacy or announces far in advance if they’re coming.

This horse has also been known to fall asleep after being tacked up or even when being sat on if I start chatting with someone and he’s just standing around in an otherwise quiet environment. I swear he’s like a lightswitch; he’s “on” or “off”.